Live weather causing decreased Aircraft performance

It appears to be temperature related perhaps… causing DA to be extremely off adversely affecting aircraft performance. In one scenario, anytime I would climb above 2300ft. Would lose about 70% of AC power… I’m too ■■■■■■ that Live Weather is STILL an issue to try and troubleshoot for you any further. Just open it up to 3rd party devs. It’s been over a year now. Its beyond ridiculous. You say you want everyone to experience the same weather??.. Well, when everyone HAS to fly with “Clear Skies” and can’t use “live weather” I guess you’re getting your wish, eh?

Just noticed the same thing - first thought it was connected to Garmin NXI.

There’s already an OAT thread on this. and yes OAT is broken again using ‘live weather’ this morning from very low altitudes (1000ft).

Thx for the information.

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It don’t think the bug is altitude dependent. I’ve seen OAT spikes above 100 C (often reaching 400) at every altitude from MSL to 15,000 ft.

I’m not sure how much it affects other planes, but at any random time Live Weather appears to cause the F15 and F18 to lose airspeed, stall, and then inevitably crash. Even when the afterburners are on. It was originally happening at high altitudes, now it seems to happen wherever it wants. I’ll leave Live Weather off till the next update.