Live weather changes with time in Custom mode


Description of the issue:
The “Live” weather tab offers changing the time and the weather will rewind as well, that’s a known feature.

But the “Custom” weather tab should have weather and time independent to allow changing time of day without affecting live weather.
Instead, it appears like the Live Weather is changing along with time changes (cloud layers and wind at least).
Additionally when switching back to real time, the wind is not the same as before while it should be since I am back to Live Weather and Live Time.

The behavior is very inconsistent and happens independent of the location apparently.

When flying on online networks it is crucial to have the correct live weather, independent if the user chooses to fly at real time or not. But the sim seems to bind those together (time and weather) with no way to avoid this.


Every time when changing time with Live Weather turned on.


Load into the flight and watch clouds and wind. Switch time but leave Live Weather turned on. See Screenshots.


Initial setup: Live Weather Live Time, Wind 77kt

Switch to night, but Live Weather still enabled: Wind 45kt, so can’t be live.

Swtich back to real time, live weather: Wind 59kt.


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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

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• QNH also changes with the time change, but it shouldn’t.

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I just found this Wishlist item:

But in my opinion this is a bug, not a wishlist thing. Still mods can close this bug report to avoid separating votes.
Everyone, please vote for the linked thread above since it already has more votes.

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I’ve closed this topic at the request of the OP in favour of a Wishlist item.

As a work around for the moment, if you wish to move your time of day but want to keep Live Weather, if you move your in-sim date forward by one day instead of moving time backwards then you’ll be able to customize the time of day!

The MSFS Team