Live Weather is not separate from date that is selected

Same topic. Don’t know if it’s possible to merge.

100% in support of this request. It’s essential to fly on online networks.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• I want to be able to fly at any time of the day but STILL have the live weather of the current real world time. We shouldn’t be constrained to historical weather.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


100% in support of this request. It’s essential to fly on online networks.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Yes

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• I want to be able to fly at any time of the day but STILL have the live weather of the current real world time.


100% in support of this request.
I completely agree that separating live weather from real-world date and time would be a game-changer for the sim community. Not everyone can fly during real-world daylight hours or favorable weather conditions, especially when flying online networks like VATSIM or IVAO. Adding the ability to use live weather while selecting any custom time is crucial not just for pilots but especially for virtual air traffic controllers on networks.


Fully agree. OP, this should really be tagged as [REGRESSION] and as a bug, this is a must regardless of the historical weather. This was the behavior in FS2020 so we should be able to change time and keep using the live weather. Joining the other comments here. Indeed, really critical for online i.e. VATSIM flyers ( I do ALL my flights in VATSIM too ) … so, hopefully this will be resolved ASAP and not down the road sometime…



It’s actually astonishing this could be overlooked.


Yeah this needs to be separated with the reasons mentioned above already.

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The historic weather is a welcome feature, but I agree the option for a ‘Live Weather Now’ regardless of the time should be made.

Echoing the points above, I don’t enjoy night flying all the time, yet it is often dark when I start flying especially this time of year.

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Please fix this one! Very important to have the choice if I want to stuck Live Weather and Time together, or handle it like in MSFS2020.


Is active sky working well in msfs2024?

Haven’t tried it myself, just saw that their website says “MSFS2024 is supported via Open Beta B9090 or later and is a work in progress”

Didn’t even look into this one before filing a bug report because I think this is a bug.
The “Custom” weather/time dialog has no indication of historical live weather, it just has time and weather separately and they HAVE to be separated entirely like in 2020.

In the “Live” tab of the weather dialog there is a clear information that historical weather is used and that’s fine, but the “Custom” tab needs to separate this - no discussion. Hence I think it should be treated as a bug.


@Chewwy94 sorry for ping, but your workaround posted here:

It doesn’t work, the weather will be aligned for the time and ignores the date apparently.


I fully agree. This should be treated as a bug and not as a wishlist item. Else this is really poor design.

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Yeah it doesn’t work like he said. I tried that as soon as it came out but none of the pressure and winds matched real metar.

Shows you how much of a mess when even the employees don’t actually know how it works.

I just don’t understand how the devs didn’t realise this would be a problem. As soon as this feature was announced I knew it would be terrible unless an option.

and what about multiplayer flights? When dialing in daylight for scenery viewing, should we all set the time to the exact same hour to avoid differences in weather?

Agree with OP. This was such a critical feature in 2020 and to completely remove this feature is a huge mistake (whether intentional or not).

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I agree. Definitely a bug. For historical weather there is a “Live” tab. The intention was for the “Custom” tab to work like in MSFS2020, but something went wrong.

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It apparently got moved to the Bugs section now (was in Wishlist) and shows feedback-logged. So there’s hope for a quicker solution.
If it was treated as a Wishlist item, pretty sure it wouldn’t be changed in the next few months. So that’s a good sign :slight_smile:


Yes that’s a good sign, after all it’s a bug that was introduced with the new feature. And I would reiterate my opinion that this is a clear regression and should marked and prioritized as such.
For many of us, especially VATSIM flyers, we are kept in the dark, quite literally nowadays…if the events happening at your evening/night time.

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