Even before the 2024 release I was worried about the announced 24hr historical weather.
Let me make clear, I think this a great feature that many people will use and enjoy, it just requires careful implementation.
The time used in the sim needs to be able to be separated from the weather, for example, say its is 1900z and one sets the sim to be at 1200z, one needs the option to be able to keep current live weather i.e. 1900z weather, as well as the option for using the historical i.e. 1200z weather.
The reasons for this are fairly obvious.
Many of us work and so can only sim in the evenings, it would be quite dull if we always flew using real time in our own locations, as it would always be evening/night in the sim. Many of us, therefore, change the time in the sim, to daytime, (personally, I find a flight I wish to do and then set the sim time to match the real world schedule).
However, we also need to be able to fly with current live weather, as not doing so would cause issues, with, for example:
Simbrief flight planning where fuel calculations will be incorrect.
VATSIM, where we might be for example, on differing pressures from current live weather, causing issues with separation from other aircraft.
There might be a completely different wind direction at the departure or destination airport meaning we would need to use different runways.
Aircraft will have different Groundspeed with the same Indicated Airspeed which will make spacing from controllers at busy airports a total nightmare.
It doesn’t take much imagination to see what kind of problems would be incurred if the live weather was tied to sim time. There may of course be many other issues with other features some people may use should the time and weather be tied together, and I list here only flight planning and online flying with ATC.
I am not in the slightest suggesting this is a bad new feature or shouldn’t be included in MSFS 2024 or ported into 2020, merely that it needs careful implementation and the option for the time and weather to be decoupled as it is currently in 2020.