Live weather is still inaccurate - 1.15.10 update did not fix bug

I cannot help wondering if many of the problems we see with real weather is related to silent connection failures.

E.g., when I leave the plane to the main menu and return to the cockpit for a second flight without leaving the sim altogether, I usually select clear skies first and select Live from the weather menu once I get in.

But it’s a lottery. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn’t. When it doesn’t, there’s a fairly long pause with the symbol in the bottom right corner rotating before it gives up.

Maybe this could also explain why Asobo seemingly cannot reproduce this “clear skies” issue?

yes the same thing struck me, so i think that there could be some problem with the connection to the live weather server.

I never usually have a problem loading live weather. I always load in with clear skies and then make the switch, even on the first flight. The problem for me is getting the wrong forecast hour, or in this case, three day old weather.

Very sad,

today absolutelly wrong weather at Slovakia (now at 8:00 loc). Rain, rain, rain but outside sunny weather, also at Weather radar real web only some clouds…

When did you last have rain? Or is this perhaps future weather?


sry, can you be better clear for what exactly you’re asking me? Today i have rain, I did some flights yesterday at another place and didn’t check because flew with clear weather. Sry, I don’t have time to compare about future or history weather, simply looked now and check, also compare with actual meteo radar webs.

I mean in real life. When did your real life weather match what you see in the sim now?


check my post. Sry but really isn’t still clear to me what is your question about.

You said the sim had rain, rain, rain but outside you have sun. When did you last see rain outside?

Can’t make it clearer than that.

Outside in real life I have sunny weather now +/- I saw rain 2 days ago…

But this is irrelevant because heavy rain or showers only, simply with rain in sim I have also fog and overcast so I think is not relevant now and also I don’t have taste to check if it was yesterday at 12:00z or at another time…

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I get that, but when did you last have rain?

Right, so you may be seeing 2 day old weather in the sim.

Or for all we know you are seeing forecasted weather. It’s a bit of a mess at times.


you said nothing new to me and also info about 2 days is not correct. All depends to intensity. Ok, I reported only as usually about accuracy, nothing more.

I was merely stating that if the sim has rain currently, and you last had rain in real life 2 days ago, then maybe the live weather in the sim you are seeing is two days old, and is thus incorrect just as you say.

I think I’ve now said that maybe three times with different words…

I’ll chalk this one up to a language barrier.


sry again, I don’t want help from you in this topic. I only report as usually state of Live weather nothing more so if you have some barrier then you need solve it, I can’t help you with that.

Only Asobo can help us with this.

Good luck!


but pls understand, 2 days no one here reported state of Live weather so I did report for sure to know about not functionality still. I know who is only one that can solve this problem, don’t worry. I just hope that someone can now also check Live weather functionality and report state. Thnx to all.

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If that is the case, then where is the weather coming from, assuming you don’t get Clear Skies? I was referring more to where the live weather doesn’t match. The connection failures I would assume simply inject no weather information whatsoever.

If you see clouds, then you may be getting some kind of weather injected, then perhaps its a case of:

  1. Weather reports from the past being presented now
  2. Predicted weather for the near future
  3. Completely made up that never matched real conditions

I think I’ve read that Meteoblue use some kind of predictive model, taking weather from various sources to enable us to have a weather engine where it doesn’t snap from METAR to METAR. If that modeling goes wrong, and we get garbage out, perhaps that leads to state 3?

The Live weather issue is discussed in quite a few topics, which I think is rational as no one (at least not me) is able to comprehend threads with hundreds, in one case more than 1040 posts since August 2020. The latest and for the time being most relevant one deals with the weather “stuck” in the past. According to my findings we now deal with an issue of the weather being 2 days old.

That was my thinking, from what @OMICO4146 has just reported, and reading that thread as well.

What would be interesting is whether that persists, and it always lags behind by a few days going forward.