Live Weather only on 1st flight bug (new workaround)

You have to start MSFS always with “clear sky” and then swith to “live weather” in the main world map menu (not the cockpit upper menu)
To do this :
1…start MSFS, go to the main world map menu and select “clear sky” in the flight condition
2…close MSFS
3…start MSFS go to the main world map menu and select “live weather” in the flight condition
that is it, now every flight will have live weather
Don’t forget to switch back to “clear sky” before closing MSFS this way you won’t have to do step 1 and 2

it is working for me for several days now, hope it will help most of you dear simmers
best regards

pretty sure this has been the workaround since day one, though…

Here is one that works every time:

Live weather not accurate? give this trick a try! - Bugs & Issues / Weather - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I prefer to just close the sim, restart the PC so it can clear the memory and the cache. And start another flight. That way I can just be on Live Multiplayer Mode with Live Traffic and not have to worry about the weather.

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