Since the update of the Boeing models the new avionic screen the LNAV system does not follow the flight path set on the world map.
I have also noticed that when doing cold and dark starts in the Boeing models there is a longer checklist (probably to make it feel closer to study level).
But before this - the LNAV system worked perfectly - now it doesn’t follow the flight path.
Does anybody have this issue?
The Airbus has no such issues their avionics screen has stayed the same everything is as it was.
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I am so sorry! I read the updated manual for the B747 and B787 and how to use FMC for the LNAV.
I never did use FMC before (XBOX) but now since this updated version I have no choice!
What I will say (I have both Series S and Series X) is that on the Series S when using the B747 or B787 the Series S seems to be unable to handle to new updated versions of the Boeings - where as my Series X does.
Why dont you tell us instead of saying “read the manual” and pop up a link to a 38 page book. What did you find out about the FMC that took care of the problem?
Hi, luckily you don’t need to read it all!
I’ve just skim read it for you and you only need to read pages 22-24. It explains exactly what happens starting from a takeoff with heading hold enabled, to LNAV being engaged in the climb. It also has some helpful pictures