For the past two days, I’ve been dealing with a severe stuttering issue. The sim seems to skip frames/stutter, wherein a pattern develops: smooth-stop-smooth-stop, etc.
This pattern is repeated every other second. So, one second of smoothness, BOOM, then smooth, then BOOM.
It’s very annoying considering it just keeps going, unlike “regular” stutters which cause the sim to seize up for a few seconds, before smoothening out again.
I couldn’t figure out what on earth was causing this. Tried disabling add-ons, playing with settings, going through driver updates. I NEARLY thought my sim was totally bugged after World Update 9. But, I found the culprit: Simbrief integration.
Both the A32NX and Boeing 787 Heavy Division mod allow you to import a flightplan via Simbrief using Navigraph’s servers. This system works unlike downloading a file locally to the computer and then importing it via a plane’s FMC, as is the case with planes like the PMDG 737 and Aerosoft CRJ-700.
So, after loading up the SAME flightplan in the 787 and A32NX with Simbrief, I ran into this issue. So, I decided to try one last thing…running it with the PMDG 737. To my surprise; NO STUTTERS (aside from the “normal” ones). The thing is, I have to use Simbrief for that, too!
Thus, my question is - what gives? And has anyone else found/fixed this issue?
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Have you tried to isolate the problem by clearing out your SimBrief user ID through the A32NX MCDU or FlyPad instead of flying a different aircraft which could have a completely different optimisation?
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I haven’t tried it exactly the way you’ve worded it, but allow me to explain what I’ve done thus far.
Both the A32NX and the 787 Heavy have Simbrief integration, where you can input your Simbrief username and download the latest flightplan that you generate on the site; you know this.
In BOTH instances (after completely restarting the sim and my computer), as soon as I download the flightplan, the sim begins its stuttering issue. I can do everything else with no issues at all; just only after I download the flightplan.
But, with the PMDG 737, all is fine since I download the flightplan to my computer and manually input it to the FMC by typing in the filename of the plan.
I hope that explains the conditions so far.
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Yes, I understand the conditions that you are testing on. But from what I’m suggesting is to isolate that the issue does comes from the SimBrief integration itself and not because of the aircraft.
I’m just pointing it out that comparing performance using two separate aircraft that are built differently is not a good troubleshooting method. Because PMDG is very optimised, whether it has simbrief integration capable or not, PMDG aircraft will always perform well regardless.
Same thing with comparing performance with 787 as well, you are testing three (or perhaps four if you also test CRJ) separate aircraft that are built separately and differently. And there’s too much variable involved that can affect your performance benchmark.
That’s why, if your theory about the simbrief integration does cause your stuttering issue. Instead of comparing between multiple aircraft. You should test using the same aircraft. But the difference here is, one will have the SimBrief ID entered and the flight plan imported directly from SimBrief. While another is testing by removing the SimBrief ID from the EFB and MCDU, so that it can “stop communicating” with SimBrief.
If the stutters disappear after removing SimBrief connection, then you can be certain that the SimBrief integration is the cause of the stutters and not the aircraft itself. But if by removing the SimBrief connection, you are still experiencing the same stutters. Then it’s not caused by it, but it’s caused by something else in the aircraft or its coding in the background.
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You offered a lot of good tips. I finally got a chance to test them out, although my results are inconclusive.
As I write this, I’m currently flying the A32NX with no issues. However, this was only after changing a few settings, restarting the sim many times, and also taking out and reinserting the Simbrief credentials as you suggested. I noticed that even without loading my FP, the stutter issue would happen when I started my engines. But, again, the issue is now quite randomized, it seems.
So, I guess I have to chock this up to MSFS being MSFS; wildly inconsistent and temperamental.
It could also depend on the airport scenery you’re in. Both freeware, payware, or default autogen scenery has varying degrees of optimisation. Some airport sceneries are smoother than the other. So if you are troubleshooting by using multiple airports to determine whether the simbrief integration is causing your stuttering performance issue, the airport scenery adds that extra variable that can cause it.
So make sure that if you are testing/troubleshooting things, you start with the same airport location, to the same route.
For me, FPS and stutters comes from Photogrammetry, I keep them off and I don’t download any of the PG cities contents that comes from the World Update.
I’ve tried switching locations as well, and the problem still comes up. Mind you, I’ve always had stutters, but this one is the most egregious in particular since it pretty much feels like watching a YouTube video buffer its way through playback; start-stop-start-stop, every half-second. So, I still don’t quite know what the issue is, I just know it wasn’t present prior to WU9, but I’ll keep testing…
THis is quite late to game but I just ran into this problem and can confirm that removing the Simbrief Panel addin dramatically changes performance. Same plane, same location, same flight plan (loaded via the World Map). With Simbrief Panel removed from community folder, I have horrible stuttering - it makes the game completely unusable. Removing the addin, restores my otherwise quite good performance.
I had tried reducing graphics settings, changing one of my monitors to the integrated graphics instead of my graphics card, all kinds of other things.
I’ve definitely narrowed it down to the SB Panel addin.
It’s certainly possible that it’s a conflict with something else and not the panel by itself, but for me, that addin isn’t sufficiently important to waste more time looking for other conflicts.
I’ll say that I started by disabling ALL my add ins and then slowly adding back different ones. This is the one that did it.
I still have the Navgraph data but I also got rid of the in cockpit navgraph panel (mostly because I didn’t find it any better than running charts separately on a different monitor). But removing that panel didn’t help the stutter.
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