Local Legend 17 - Curtiss C-46 - Airshow Display over Tannheim

I’ve always been a fan of spirited airshow displays in big twins. It’s impressive to see a large aircraft being tossed around and often times they’re a lot more agile than one would think. I remember seeing George Perez in a B-25 doing plenty of wingovers at Hahnweide airshow in 2009, it was one of the best displays I’ve ever seen. I could swear he also flew quite a spirited display in a DC-3 in 2011, but I can only find a few flyby videos.

This weekend I took the new C-46 out for a sunset “display” over one of my favorite airfields, Tannheim. The flight is a bit of a virtual tribute to these kind of display flights and includes plenty of wingovers and low passes and hopefully shows of the C-46’s flight model. At the end there is also a replay of the whole flight out of a „spectator“ view point.

I hope some of you will enjoy it =)