Local Legend 17: Curtiss C-46 Commando

I am asking myself the same question.

These textures are intentionally created this way.


Look, the numbers are all in the right order with no repeats, take what you can get. /s


Or perhaps AI generated? It would make more sense than a person creating nonsense like that. Then again 
 a person would have to look at the generated assets before adding them to the project, so it doesn’t add much sense either.


Have to admit I also had the AI thought.

Yes, a person would have to look at them before adding them to the project, but the person would also have to care for them to be fixed.

Presumably a person looked at the altimeter with two 6’s on it at some point.


In a related thought, I noted that a few of the aged 307 bug reports finally got tagged “feedback logged” in the last week or so. (A year+ since the 307 released.)

What is concerning is that there are a massive number of bugs/issues that I found when developing my 307 mod, which my mod addresses and then there are issues like these textures that it does not fix.

Regardless, I did not go back and make bug reports for all the bugs I found with the 307.

Frankly, I’m exhausted by it. I’m sick of taking my unpaid time to come here to write up bugs that go ignored. There is no “happy place” placebo effect from my doing so.

Anyhow, the likelihood that these issues all get identified (aka written up as bugs) and then fixed seems exceptionally low.

I’m seriously angry that MS has given this developer the green light to be a valued partner moving forward. They need to be held to a higher standard.

It is concerning that MS has set such a low bar for what they expect from a developer that it begs the question, “What else is being done for 2024 to such a low standard?”

This isn’t right.


This would, unfortunately, explain it.

So when next time we get a LL or a FF looking like this

(picture generated right now by Copilot powered by Dall e 3)

we’ll know where it comes from.


I don’t know what I like better 
 the unique prop design or the gauges in the cowling. :rofl:


Should I file a bug report for the two poor gauges

or you think it is

  1. rather a feature request, or
  2. intended design?


Knowing the response to the transparent prop hub I’d say it’s all three: a bug/mistake but intended and if you want to have it fixed it’s definitely a feature request. :wink:


Thanks for making this misery bearable :rofl:

I will file the bug report because I am simply curious what will happen with it

Yeah I gotta say, watching you develop your 307 mod soured me on AH, and I was already unhappy that Microsoft seems to value them as a resource.

If AH made even SLIGHTLY more polished products, they’d have the vintage part of the market absolutely cornered. They have no competition.

Maybe that’s the root of the problem here


For me (and I know I speak for others), that is my absolute frustration here.

I LIVE for vintage technologies. I love these old aircraft and, as such, am so irritated that these are all so full of dumb errors and other foolishness.

As I said on the 707 thread, I don’t expect high fidelity or the incredible systems depth of PMDG, but, come on, fix the stupid bugs, iron out the sounds (so they are present and accounted for), and have all the modeled controls work as intended.

Man, I am so irritated that all these incredible aircraft that I love and want, so badly, to be flying are being developed by a crew that is relying on the masses just “throwing money at the screen”.

This of course communicates to MS that it’s perfectly acceptable to continue this course since the money comes in anyway.



How absolutely bizarre!

This does seem to be one of the many cases where the money talks when it shouldn’t. And it’s precisely why I’m 100% convinced that the majority of the world’s problems stem from the existence of money
 but that’s a conversation for another time and place, so I’ll leave it at that.

I don’t know about you, but I think there is another source of the problem, and that is the fact that either the developers impose release dates on themselves, or Microsoft/Asobo imposes release dates on them. I’ve seen plenty of proof that, when there’s no set release date, things might get done more slowly, but in the end, the finished product tends to be higher-quality. I wish the developers and/or MS/Asobo would take that into account. If they did, maybe we’d see more polished releases for once.


I do wonder if an imposed release date and budget is set

Hence little to no follow up because it would then “exceed budget” or “add more to the cost of the plane”

Well no

you’re not adding any extra features, you’re just sorting bugs that never should have been there in the first place!

Come on Microsoft/ AH you are literally one update away from a fantastic, iconic product and additional customer!


I think I should stop looking.

There is a number of instruments mainly on the co-pilot side which have the needle placed on top of the gauge glass (as opposed to behind the glass, if you see what I mean?).

(co-pilot’s altimeter as well and suction on pilot’s side, the VOR needle of the middle-mounted RMI

I just finished a leg flown Over the Hump and it was mostly a very nice and immersive experience

but then one stumbles on this:

and all immersion is gone.

Oh no, sorry
 this one in particular is actually realisticly looking :person_facepalming:


There are a number of needles in the 307 that are flipped such that you are looking at their back side rather than their front side. (So the needle’s face is facing the gauge rather than the person viewing the gauge.)

In addition, on the needles that are meant to indicate which engine they are associated with, their label (engine number) is displayed upside down when the needle is in its normal operating position. So, for example, the tachometer needle’s labels are upside down when the needles are indicating standard operating RPM range values.

Issues such as these abound.

As you say, you have to stop looking.

And, what, we’re supposed to write all these up and report them?


I’ve tried to fix the Stratoliner Oil Pressure gauges but the textures in the texture folder aren’t those used in the sim.

Similarly the C46 doesn’t seem to have textures for MP and RPM as used in the sim.
It does have low-res textures for them that are conventional and correct (from FSX?).

I think these textures may be generated in code somewhere and the coder got the limits of a loop wrong

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Yeah, but that feature (the transparent aluminum propeller hub) was created that way by design :roll_eyes:
 even though they had it right in FSX; as I’m sure those gauge face plates and the needles on top of the glass bug reports are going to be rejected for, too.

As others have been saying, it’s really so sad the quality control of this vendor is so poor, they could be making so much money.

Maybe they already are making a lot from people who don’t care about the quality of the product, and that’s why they aren’t fixing any of the issues that the more serious simmers want to see fixed.