Local Legend 17: Curtiss C-46 Commando

I think you nail it.
And I also think that this in a way is good because it keeps the sim alive. MS would abandon it if they wouldn’t be able to make money from all those cheap and low quality FF and LL aircraft.
I decided to not bother with LLs and FFs anymore (unless we are lucky to get mods like for the 307) and instead enjoy good quality aircraft from the various vendors we all know.
All the poor quality but cheap aircraft are necessary to guarantee continued development of the sim.

with a few smal glitches i can live,
but a sound wat you hear all the time,and is as bad as is is a no go,i fly it 20 minutes…for me a waste of money again, only dc3 sound is very good…307,c47 and c46 are :-1: :grimacing:
so no more AH for me :wink:
also i think to stay away from in sim marketplace now.
or hear wat other say,lesson learned :wink:
i realy hope for a mod :grinning:

Yes, and yes, I expect. It surprises me that there is any wonder left as to why the quality of the planes are nearly always lacking. Even Carenado seemed to turn a leaf with some of their offerings. AH are still lagging behind in that regard.


Report bugs for incorrect markings on MP and RPM gauges and needles on top of gauge glass created.

C-46 Commando: Manifold Pressure and RPM gauges incorrect markings - Bug Reporting Hub / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

C-46 Commando: Many needles are placed on top of the gauge glass - Bug Reporting Hub / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Please vote. Thanks!


I can almost see the RPM marks being for every 250rpm. If you assume each mark is 50 then it adds up. The Manifold pressure makes no sense. I wondered that the first time I set climb power. Thought to myself, “is that really 41”?" Very odd that they did that.

I make it 50 RPM for the smaller ticks and +250 RPM for the larger intermediate ticks

so…are we taking bets as to if AH says this is a purposeful design decision and there are no bugs?


That’s actually the “Allied aerial recognition star in circle” marking, carried by all Allied vehicles (US, British et al) and so not covered by the US Marking restriction.
(Sorry for late reply, but some might be interested :slight_smile: )


Ok, having flown it a bit now:

  1. at 10 000ft the Manifold Pressure starts jumping for no reason at all. I am not making any changes to the supercharger, and no matter what gear I am in, it just jumps about. This makes cruising at 10000ft nearly impossible.
  2. Autopilot doesn’t follow Headings accurately and is about 30° off for some reason. (See Picture, Drift is adjusted for already, it is still off)
  3. Autopilot Bank is just weird because sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, haven’t really figured it out yet. Sometimes the Plane just goes in circles, sometimes it follows a heading, can’t make heads or tails of it.
  4. Pitch Pre-Selector indicator doesn’t move when the knob is turned, it just stands still.
  5. On Startup after meshing the Propeller is being rotated but HUD shows 0 rpm, then it shows rpm but doesn’t move until it suddenly does. So the 3D Model is very disconnected from the actual things the Engine does.
  6. Generally the whole Cold and Dark start is borked.
  7. Why are there no ways to adjust the VOR Indicators? It shows VORs like ADFs.
  8. Not sure if Boost Pumps are required for normal flight, but right now the engines die without them running.
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