Local Legend 17: Curtiss C-46 Commando

Those are free liveries created by @pby5a available on flightsim.to. Perhaps that should have been noted in the posts, to differentiate them from random screenshots.


Are those liveries already available?

Usually when JanKees posts them, they are.

Not yet, still working on them, but soon!


Hopefully I am not using incorrect terminology to describe my navigation. But here is what I do.

So, the C-46 doesn’t automatically fly VOR to VOR. I dial in the frequencies as I get to them. It isn’t steering to the VOR, I have to get the heading from the instruments, then set the “heading” knob on the Sperry. Then I have to turn the Sperry “bank adjust” knob in the direction I wish to turn. To get the heading, I take the current course from the compass. Input that into the “ADF bearing indicator” knob. This also adjusts the ADF/VOR compass. I look to see where the needle is pointing, say 90 degrees and input that in the Sperry heading and initiate the turn with the Sperry bank knob.

I use the VFR map to get the frequencies. So, each leg is manually input as you go. Sometimes I use the ADF needle to get my next waypoint, sometimes I use the VOR. As we know some types of radio beacons don’t provide a direction. By the way, it is really important to make sure that your gyro drift knob is at zero degrees. Otherwise, the heading and the compass will not align on the Sperry AP.

I hope that helps! But this is an unreliable bird. I did the crossfeed trick all day yesterday and it never worked. Then suddenly it did. I am about to jump back in and see what is working today. LOL!

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Thank you so much! The Everts livery is exactly what I need to give the C-46 sense!

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In the end I got the C-46 as well because:

  • the reviews were not as devastating as I expected, and
  • in what else to Fly the Hump?

First thing I checked were the nav radios. I haven’t seen any YT reviews covering them and, as we know already, AH tends not to code them correctly (e.g. DC-3 or B307).

Good news, they seem to work OK - ADF and VOR - the needles (RMI for VOR) point towards the stations.

There is no way to tune CDI course in the cockpit - this was known. The instrument similar to a VOR gauge is actually a VAR (visual-aural radio range), a thing from the past. There is a reason the bottom parts are colour-coded in yellow and blue (check the linked article).

VAR fig 12

This instrument is linked to a NAV radio and acts as a VOR gauge with CDI course set to 0 degrees (magnetic).

The CDI can be set, fortunately, by either

  • key-bindings: ctrl+shift+home & ctrl+shift+end (a mini HUD can be toggled in cockpit in accessibility options to check what course is actually set), or
  • external app such as MSFS Mobile Companion App or similar.

A bit cumbersome but it works. I am not able to get a DME reading anyhow, though.

As far as the cockpit visuals go - OK. Good for the price. Just out of curiosity I loaded a B307 for comparison and I have to say that the C-46 is a good deal better in this regard (I felt really sorry for the B307 but OK, nuff was said about that disaster already).

Happy landings and see you Over the Hump!


Thank you @NixonRedgrave

For your liveries, those can be posted in Aircraft. After creating that topic, you can post a link in this topic pointing to the livery topic. :+1:

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It has been done, they are now available on the usual site.



I had really high hopes of a good rendition of the C-46, especially since I got a few hours on the real one under my belt.
Sadly this did not happen and I am quite disappointed. :cry:

This airplane needs more love and attention!

Hopefully someone can give it the improvements it deserves.

Many thanks in advance!

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Hi @Super275327,
Sorry to hear that the C-46 did not match your expectations.
Do you have any specific suggestions for improvements that yo would like to see in the aircraft?

I’ve just discovered whats causing the fuel to only be drawn from the left tanks.
By default both fuel crossfeeds are set to OFF however it is behaving as if the left crossfeed is ON, to fix just cycle both crossfeeds on and then make sure they are both off again and it should start drawing from both tanks again. Worked for me anyway


Mainly very poor sounds, weird transitions between the RPMS and overall just not realistic. Missing sounds like landing gear, flaps being extended and retracted. Just little things like that could really add to the model.
The flight model itself isn’t bad but doesn’t feel as ‘alive’ as something like the DC3 with the duckworks mod. Now thats an aircraft with proper immersion value.
Various bugs with the engine start up but can be worked around.

Overall I think it’s much better than expected and than what people are saying about it, but could do with a bit of work. The modelling is certainly very very impressive and its great to have a C46 in the sim which is one of my favourite aircraft.

I think people are getting pre - emptively p*ssed off because they know the developer doesn’t have the best track record of updating aircraft, so it’ll most likely be up to the community to fix and improve.

Just my 2 cents


It is small things like the fuel crossfeed issue, the engine start up sequence etc.
These things should have been addressed before release.
The manual describes the aircraft, but gives no hint on how to start the engines or how to manage the fuel system. No advise on binding the various controls is mentioned.
It is possible that I have overlooked all of that.


I have enjoyed several Hump flights in the Commando. I like the animations for the cargo doors and pilot door with ladder. The sliding cockpit windows are a nice touch. The engine sounds seem a little muted but could be correct. I am no expert. One thing that really detracts from immersion is the lack of gear extension/retraction sounds. The flap extension sounds seem muted and that may be correct. The DC-3 flap extension sounds are much more noticeable. The fuel cross feed is confusing me too. I think I have the correct tanks selected but the fuel gauges show the fuel being drawn from different tanks than I have selected.


The fact you can do the same sequence to start an engine and get different results is maddening. I get they want a certain sequence to “add to the realism” but at least make it the same. So incredibly frustrating.

I always get the same result. Energize, Mesh, Primer. Wait a bit, because it takes a few seconds of seeming inactivity because of the lack of proper sounds and then the engine starts (provided it has fuel and the battery, fuel pumps, ignition and magnetos are on, and mixture levers full forward).


I was on the fence, then I saw that AH had done it.

I’d rather stick pins in my eyes than buy another one of their poor attempts at an aircraft. I’ll wait until someone else makes a decent version.


How did you get the Sperry to hold course/pitch? I can’t get it to do either and I the pitch up/down when on AP doesn’t seem to work. I can get the Sperry to work fine in other aircraft that have it but for whatever reason nothing seems to work here.

Today I have problems with the fuel system as well. No matter what, the aircraft would only draw from the right tanks. With crossfeed off or only the right hand crossfeed valve open, the #1 engine would die. Both engines woud only keep running if the left hand crossfeed valve was open (pulled out to “On” position). But shouldn’t that draw from the left tanks and not the right ones?

Both fuel valves (yellow and red) are definitely open and the tanks are full.

EDIT: restarted the fligh, cycled the starting selector and the crossfeed valves a few times before starting the engines, now it pulls fuel from the tanks on both sides.

If I open the left hand crossfeed valve the fuel gets drawn from the right tanks and if I open the right hand crossfeed fuel valve, the fuel gets drawn from the left side tanks. When I close both crossfeed valves, fuel gets drawn from both sides again. Both engines keeps running at all times.

Now it seems to work. Very odd