Local Legend I: Junkers Ju 52

The MAP is usually measured after the throttle valve, no matter if the engine is normally aspirated, supercharged or turbocharged, running at idle (throttle valve closed) will cause a huge drop in MAP as the throttle valve blocks off most of the air going into the intake manifold. At full throttle the MAP for a normally aspirated engine would read more or less ambient.

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Thanks. It finally downloaded this morning. Iā€™d purchased it on Xbox hoping to avoid this issue, but no dice.

Zendesk responded I needed to wait 72 hours (despite the download error saying 24 hours), and said if it wasnā€™t downloaded in 72 hours, to open a new ticket and send my bank statement as proof of purchase. So much wrong with that support experience in every way.

But 70 hours later I have it! At this point itā€™s in line behind my P-38, Zero, and Electra, though. Expensive week!

Tried again not running the program as an administrator.
Fortunately this did the trick, however I could not pay via iDeal.

I have to figure out why this is happening.

I assume you are definitely in the 1939.

You definitely turned on the large rotary switch labelled ā€œKurssteuerungā€ just above the icing switch and then pushed in the white fan/cross button?

What happens if you then turn the heading crank while everything is turned on ?

See, that is why I have learned to use theā€¦

You are absolutely correct. I have my numbers reversed. Had to sit and visualize the startup on the R2600. (Not much point trying to run through the DC-3 procedure, that was 40 years ago.)

Longer pipes on the 1820 caused big drop at idle but never got back up to ambient, even wide open. The 2600 was pretty much the same but lots more litres getting pulled thru. Do remember though, without the supercharger there was now way in hell you would see anything near ambient. I think that was pretty common throughout the radials. Just way to much plumbing. Air always had a long way to go.

Question still stands, though.
Has anyone checked the MP compared to station pressure, not altimeter setting?

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Just did a quick flight, for me it took off quite nicely, slowly, maybe a bit early off the ground, generally similar to the cockpit video of one starting on youtube. Flying was great fun, sounds are pretty good, though engine sounds could be a bit louder, great offer from Asobo. Really no need for so much negativity.


I paid for this plane the day it was released and the money was taken out of my account and I still have yet to receive it. I have two tickets open. The in game marketplace is an absolute nightmare for me and this has happened before. I canā€™t wait to fly it and I sure hope I get to.

MS. Very well done! Fantastic plane. Now give us engine startup smoke on this too!


Nothing at allā€¦ and all of your assumptions are correct.

One thing that might have screwed things up though: is the red on the lower right of the main panel supposed to be pushed in or pulled out? Itā€™s labeled as an emergency autopilot disconnect, but again, no indication of which way it should be in normal operation.

I dig the Float Variantā€¦

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Why? It has a 4.8 Stars in the Market Place. The highest rating of any aircraft on there. Guess it will be a 5.0 if MS ā€œfixesā€ the plane. Utter trolling nonsense on your part.

I buy the planesā€¦

I fly the planesā€¦

All of them, for hoursā€¦

This one tooā€¦

It is very nice and I appreciate the hard workā€¦


Yeah, Iā€™m not sure what is going on with the flight model on the retrofitted version. Above 5k ft I have full nose up trim and it wonā€™t let me pitch for 150 kph climb. With back pressure on the yoke I can get 400 fpm but it is a struggle. I am at 10k ft, leaned out with the throttle firewalled and almost full positive trim just to maintain level flight.

Other than that (and the liveries not being offered on all models yet again), itā€™s a very well done package, certainly for $15 USD.


Iā€™m on xbox and doing a flight at the moment from Narita, Japan to South Korea. The rain is really bad and I canā€™t see anything but the windows on the aircraft from the inside are graphically glitching pretty badly. Anyone else notice this on pc or xbox?

If in the passenger cabin, the devs know about a flickering issue - also the taxi light reflection off engine 2 prop but I havenā€™t noticed any in the cockpit - series s. Havenā€™t flown through rain but did some cloud layer busting.

So far I am enjoying the aircraft. It is nice for a slow relaxing flight. There are a few negatives, on 1 & 3 the propellers wobble. All three props in motion look weird, kinda choppy and unrealistic. Not something I have seen on other MS/Asobo planes.

For the most part though it is very good for the price and with a bit of development it could easily become one of my favorites.

Interesting. Iā€™m testing this now. Iā€™m at 7900 and climbing at about 900 FPM climb and Iā€™m at 160 KPH.

EDITā€¦ OK - hit 9500 altitude and Iā€™m pitched fully up and Iā€™m down to 600 FPM and 155 KPH.

Nope. Not at all

I really like this aircraft. Beautiful visual model and nice sounds. In flight it feels heavy on the controls, which I would expect, yet it is stable and goes where you point it without bobbing up and down. One complaint I have with most MSFS planes is they just donā€™t feel right, but this one does. It just feels right to me. Wondering about the trim though. Trimmed in level flight the elevator is deflected upā€¦a bug Iā€™m guessing.

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The retrofit version, yes? The 1939 version climbs like a rocket in comparison.

We will all have slightly different experiences with altitude density. It was still 5 deg C at 10k ft LA to Vegas when I tested. I figured this was a reasonable high altitude cruise for her and I donā€™t think she would have stayed up it were much warmer.