Local Legend IX: Latécoère Model 631

Please use this thread to post your impressions and feedback about the Latécoère Model 631, available now from the in-sim Marketplace for USD $14.99.

If you have any bugs related to this plane to report, please create a new thread in the Bug Reports & Wishlist section of the forum with the tag latécoère-631.

Update: the PDF manual for this aircraft is now available on our Manuals page here.


So how many weeks or months until the manual gets posted up here? Aircraft Manuals - Microsoft Flight Simulator :wink:

There actually is a 29 page PDF manual available in the product folder for PC users. Giving it a quick read through before I give the big bird a go!


There’s something wrong with the video, I hope there won’t be anything wrong the plane :crossed_fingers:t2:

What is the mysterious “Famous Flyer 07: TBA” set to release on June, 23rd?
To my knowledge, it was never once mentioned outside of the development roadmap, and no Dev Q&A is set to take place this week.

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Any chance you could Dropbox it? For us black box peasants :wink:

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how to find this seaport with this special dock. I bought this plane but cannot place in the dock at any seaairport

Here is the User manual : WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free

@jetfighterPL You have to be on water, engines cut


Just got the plane and I am both in awe and close to tears. Immersion is a big thing for me and I am simply blown away by the love and care to detail this product has not only in the cockpit, but also in the fully acessable cabin as well. THIS is the flight sim flying boat I have been dreamed of and hoped for for! I can not thank whoever created this enough. 14$ for this is practically a gift. I can not stress out enough how much I recommend this plane!!!


Don’t think the routes on page 5 are correctly lined up. Since when is Southampton between Inverness and the Shetlands?

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How is the water handling and flight model? Is it as great as the plane looks?

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It’s from the book “L’exploitation des Latécoère 631”, I’ll check it out and if necessary recreate a map of my own.

You need to actualy fly it (turbulence as a tendancy to change pitch) but it behave well.

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I added water friction for the water handling, but it really need to be reworked by asobo.


Got distracted by my kittens waking up and creating havoc but am back at it. Been spending a while just looking around. The modelling is quite impressive.

This little towboat is awesome


Oh I seem to have switched threads around myself without noticing lol

I have 6 axes on my Bravo that I can use for individual throttle control - but only if a throttle is all I need (i.e. no separate mixture or power setting controls per engine.) I can see mapping 2 engine throttles per lever, but mapping 2 engine mixtures per lever might not be ideal.

How are you controlling the engines?

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Yeah the lines aren’t lined up properly there, they all seem shifted north a few hundred miles! The manual says something about Radio-goniometric navigation in an upcoming update. What will that entail exactly? Guessing it’s something for navigating the oceans.

Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to use inputs for more than 4 engines…
However, all 6 engines are simulated individually in the sim.

So, is it just me, or are there no water runways in France in this sim?

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@XButts360 , We have LFB4, the most important one :wink: