LOD problems - Trees & Water

Not for my rig.

I can confirm that LOD200 was not changed after patch as you can clearly see from my screenshots above. (Its possible though that lower LODs has been nerfed, but you leave 0 useful informations here except ITS WORSE ! )

Comparison of graphical details. Everything on MAX, 4K resolution, 100 rendering scale.

Terrain LOD100 vs LOD200 vs LOD600 vs LOD1000


i can’t try 4k, not even have the monitor lol
i trust you :open_mouth:

It’s totally fine, but saying “it’s not happening to me so the problem doesn’t exist” it’s like saying “I had a beautiful lunch today so world hunger problems doesn’t exist”.


You came here to complain, share your thoughts, ask perhaps for opinion of others.
Yet you showed 0 objective screenshot comparison, so saying the same over and over again doesnt mean youre right either.

Matter of fact, it only makes you look stupid


What daa heeelllll

Faroe Islands
62.085237, -7.038970

Ultra settings, 130 render scale.



Angkor Vat


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can you share nearest airport of Faroe ?

Also what graphic settings ?

Please note that weather data are completely down

It can be issue with not fetching satellite imagery

Compare screenshots before and after. Don’t open guesswork topics. Very likely it’s just your perception triggered by negative feelings of hanging around on these forums too much :smiley:

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This discussion is futile. Not everybody has the time to immediately produce a “report” to produce proof to people that doesn’t believe what has being said. What if I have no screens prior yesterday? I’ll try to produce screens and videos as soon as I have time to apply in the bug section for developers to take a look, surely not missing a day at work to calm your eager need for “proof”. Why should I come here and lie? Does someone pay me for doing so?

Btw since you want my “opinion”, as a GAME DEVELOPER they screwed up something with LODs system while trying to improve performance. After using the drone cam and switching back to the cockpit I had the interior in complete low res, with turned off screens and no knobs (the same low poly LOD model you get when you use “simple models” option for traffic, but in MY plane. Plus, the mentioned problems with blurry terrains and objects. So yeah, that’s clear proof that the LOD system has changed (this problem NEVER showed up since I played the first day). That in the only 30 mins I spent in MSFS after the patch release.

Btw I don’t know why you should think I’m lying, you can go around the forum and see that I’m defending MSFS quite a lot, still I’ll report bugs cause it’s what matters for development.


I’ve got to say straight up I really don’t understand what’s going on regarding how the sim looks.

Yesterday, I took off from Santa Barbara Muni and it looked
 pretty good but you could tell either my system or connection or both wasn’t really doing all it could or maybe the sim.

Then I took off from Las Vegas North I think it was. And holy ■■■■ did that look amazing. The city, the desert and mountains, the haze, the layers of mountains stretching over 100 miles or more shrouded in blue. All the little details, towns and weird anomalies people had made in fields, could see it all even at 400FL with minimal blur l. Only the most built up part of the city off in the distance was just kind of there, but the miles of suburbia around it and around the airport, arranged in their neat little clusters, it was all there and every little house was drawn in it was crazy.

It literally looked real. And my system and connection is mid tier at best in today’s terms.

And it was running well too, even on my 1070ti.

But I didn’t keep flying. Because it was dead easy.

There was literally nothing to do and zero risk involved even on a virtual level. Cockpit chock full of buttons, heck I was in the Citation doing like 600km/h, with nothing I needed to press.

I could gun the engines endlessly with no damage. I paid the dials no heed because nothing could stop me anyway. And this is full realism on, people. Modern flight model. Oh and the weather, desert air
 nothing affected me at all.

But man did that ever look good.

Yes please as Evillian151 said, compare with pre-patch results because here you can see youre wrong.
3 weeks old video, seems satellity imagery missing at Faroe Islands

see for yourself

And what is wrong with Angkor Vat ?

Something changed with the trees i guess, they looked more dense before. I dont know your settings but it looked more dense on Ultra for me. Have to confirm that tho, have no proof.

Yeah, my A320 engine keeps shutting down like everybody on this forum is experiencing, but since I haven’t posted a screenshot of it, It’s totally not true, I guess.

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I think that you are not lying but you are being delusional.

30 minutes and zero comparisons, it can be very subjective.

In the patch notes they said that they change resource management, so that critical processes wont be affected so much. So loading textures I guess is on the bottom. Thats why you experienced low res cockpit textures while outside

Yeah, this patch took the fun out of the game, too many essentials are broken now. The electronics / diplays in the planes going off randomly especially are the worst for me. This brakes the Sim for me right now.
Still not a hater, still have faith but i cant enjoy it right now.

I will give a try at a full reinstall onight but i dont think this will help with the issues.

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And sun reflection on water is OK to you when sea is calm ?

I bet you didnt even notice since release. But when you do, you will start to complain that it wasnt like that before the patch, yet its untrue.

No. I was outside. When I switched back to the inside of the cockpit instead of the high detailed cockpit being reloaded immediately, it stayed low for several seconds. Then it switched back to hires. never happened before. Hope you can see a pattern, because you are getting quite irritating by giving the “delusional” card to people.

These pictures were taken today and I added the old ones from the previous version as you requested.
If you are satisfied with this low quality then I wish you good luck.

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