Logbook and Pc/X-box issue

Since the 9th of May I have had a weird behavior when starting the sim.

Issue no. 1:
The flight hours vere reset to zero and the logbook was emptied.

Issue no. 2:
Setting up a flightplan and then clicking the FLY button brings up the usual splash screen and a photo of an X-box controller together with a description of the buttons. I have never seen the controller before.
The splash screen and X-box controller disappears after a while and the button READY TO FLY is shown.
Clicking that button starts the flight and everything works normally, no CTDs, no stutters. The sim runs wonderful smoothly in all aspects.

My questions:
Re no. 1, can I do anything or is it simply just bad luck?
Re no. 2, do the sim run as the X-box version? I have installed it on a Pc, standard version from Microsoft Store.

This may be part of this known issue:

MSFS is an Xbox gaming title and thus the reason for needing the Xbox app for the MS Store version. MSFS knows if you are running on an Xbox console or PC. More options would be available on PC’s.