it should draw a worldmap with all my flown routes.
Log on to zendesk (link at the top) and add a feature request.
I would be perfectly happy with it if there was a comment section where you could enter some notes like a normal paper logbook. I believe you can click on a logged flight and load it right into the sim and fly it again. Although, I have not tried this.
I would love to see a flightradar24 or flightaware link in the log book to show the actual path flown for a particular entry. Ideally, it could include touchdown fps, bounces, etc.
Just more analytics on the flight for each log entry.
I apologize if this is a duplicate.
Below is a screenshot from Volanta, a free app from OrbX (of all people). 99% of the data on the screenshot is pulled from MSFS, so why does the inbuilt one not have it? This is a very basic quality of life additions to a game like this so can we have it without resorting to an outside application?
did you try simtoolkitpro? Yes it’s an external Programm but it does exactly that. Also logs the v/s during landing.
I would think the memory needed would be minimal, that you could click on ‘flight details’ for any given log book entry and should be able to load the flight information from there again.
If not a full flight plan, just an overlay breadcrumb trace-line of sorts that you can use to build the new flight plan over it. I’m not sure what the resources are for flt type files, but the basic data/route actually flown to generate the log entry is probably all but there already. If you aced a canyon run in the Beaver last week, it would be nice if you could see the route flown, particularly if you just dead-reckoned/guessed your way through there.