Logitech G940 big advice!

Well like many of you, I still have my G940 up and running with FS2020, and I have been searching for tweaks for it for the rudder, and I have found that many people does not have the appropiate driver installed for it and all the buttons and axis are behind one Device in the control panel.

So I will try to give you a good advice on how to split them to get 3 devices, and have one device for each, and that will ease your life while you try to assing your axis or buttons, or even assign custom profiles for GA planes, jets with x2 or x4 engines just assigning them to the throttle.

Like this:

The only thing you have to do, is to install the old driver for it, after you install it you will get 3 devices, and even if you don’t like the old logitech software, you can uninstall it, and the driver will still be there.

You can get the driver from the official logitech website, I will leave the link here

After you download it, keep a backup from it, because we do not know how much time will be available on the website, just to be sure if you reinstall windows or whatever happens.

I hope it works your you like it did for me.

Keep Flying!

Cheers! and Happy Christmas eve!!!

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My 940 was identified as 3 items by MSFS at the outset and has behaved quite well since. With the addition of XP Force and the latest update, all is good here. One thought keeps occurring to me now. To replace the 940 with a viable force feedback setup would cost over two thousand pounds Sterling. Good job I have a second 940 system as spare.

Nice to hear! mine was not identified as 3 items, I had to install that driver first!

Does the XP Force has good feedback to the joystick?? I am really looking for it!.

You won’t get better for MSFS. The developer hangs out on here as well and he is a good guy. Keen to develop the plugin and understand peoples requirements. This will let you enjoy that 940 and put a smile on your face.

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Thanks buddy! I did not know about XP Force, just FS Force but it does not have support for FS2020. I will try XP Force demo as soon as my sim is reinstalled.


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