I don’t have all the links, you can probably find them by searching for the Saitek panels, but about 2 years ago there where some good discussions concerning getting Saitek panels to work correctly, even of the Logitech people who was working on getting the panels up and running was participating.
Looks like this topic that started back in Aug 2020 also has many of the other topics on these matters linked to it, might be worth taking a look at and bookmarking it.
Saitek Flight Panels - General Discussion & Community Support / Tech Talk - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
I haven’t flown with my Saitek yoke in quite some time, but when I did I did have the panels working correctly. If I recall one of the issues was concerning your exact problem, and it can be fixed, I believe it was just a matter of having the right plugins and configuration.
I think one thing that hasn’t been addressed here is the power. Are you running the panels off a powered USB hub? That’s pretty important, and also I’m not sure if it was ever fixed, but there is a windows issue with USB power and it cutting off the power at some point or somethign like that, again, maybe that was fixed, but there is also a way to set the USB ports to not power down.
This is generic stuff I’m saying, I just don’t remember all the exact issues, but it’s ballpark things you should be thinking about and checking to ensure your panels and USB stuff is set up correctly.
Best of luck