Controller recognized and mapped but impossible to control the aircraft.
I’ve adjusted sensitivity to both ends of the spectrum and no joy.
Inputs are extreme and causes a crash.
Any ideas?
Controller recognized and mapped but impossible to control the aircraft.
I’ve adjusted sensitivity to both ends of the spectrum and no joy.
Inputs are extreme and causes a crash.
Any ideas?
In the sim my Saitex X52 Pro the Joystick axis’s X & Y are reversed. So select left Joystick X & Y for the control stick. It must be a bug!
Thanks for the input.
It’s weird. the axis is correct, just when you start pulling back for instance to take off, it suddenly throws a huge input into the aircraft causing the nose to shoot up like you just yanked the control full aft.
Happens no matter how much input or sensitivity I set. ???
Check your trim!
Good thought. I’ll do that right now.
Dang it. Nope, wasn’t it. Trim set for take off.
Does the same thing when you apply forward or lateral input as well.
I’m more lost than last years Easter egg.
So glad to finally see someone else with this issue. Saitek Pro Flight Yoke. Elevator isn’t an axis- it is literally either neutral or fully deflected. Report the problem to Zendesk. Maybe if enough of us complain it will get fixed.
I had a few issues. I ended up reducing the sensitivity in the X52 - Pro desktop app.
Just tried again and that’s exactly what’s happening. Elevator is either up or down. Causes crazy oscillations of the nose up and down.
I’ll report it too. Thanks for the input!
Did this actually help you? It doesn’t look like flight sim even recognizes the axis as an axis.
So I just spent a little time looking at this with another controller I have. It’s an old Saitek ST 290 Pro.
Got the same response. Taking off when you ease back on the controller it inputs ALL of the aft input at once and you nose up and stall. When you push forward to counter this, it inputs full forward input and crashes you into the ground.
Doesn’t matter which controller I use right now. Maybe it’s because of them being Saitek??
Definitely not looking at this as an axis but more like flaps up or flaps down.
I’ve got Siatek x52 that’s working, albeit a little sensitive. I wonder if there’s a joystick config xml file somewhere that can you delete and recreate on loading. I’ll have a dig around the install directory.
Make sure you’ve actually mapped it to an axis. Given the verbiage of some of the controls in the UI, it’s easy to select things like “rudder left”, “aileron left”, etc, rather than to “rudder axis” and “aileron axis”. Also, make sure you don’t have duplicate mappings of your rudder/aileron/etc. The easiest way to check that is in the control setup. There’s a place to check “input” rather than “name”. When you do that, then highlight the “input” box and move your controller (rudder, etc), and see all the things that input is tied to. Delete any inputs that aren’t an axis. I know some of you already have probably done that, so I would suggest submitting a zendesk issue and see if you can get some official help resolving the issue. Hope this helps some of you. Regards
Another great point Habu2u2.
Let me go check that.
Holy molly.
Habu2u2 you are a steely eyed missile man and my hero. !!!
It was all about assigning the mappings to an AXIS and not aileron left or right.
Worked like a charm and you ROCK !!!
Thank you!
Check that you have your sticks axises bound to the X, Y and Z axis in game and not say (aileron up, aileron down etc)
Checked. That’s how the sim behaves, but it is assigned to the axis. The bar that fills up to the left and right when you move the stick through its range of motion is there, but it immediately jumps from the middle to the top or bottom end.
I have the sameee problem, super sensitivity even when changing the sensitivity settings. Its really frustrating trying to control the crazy pitch and roll
I also have this problem and it makes the sim kinda unplayble
Hope this helps. I was ready to give up on the sim until someone pointed this out.
This is how I mapped my controller initially. What this does is makes the input binary, like a light switch, either on or off. So when you pull back the input is to pull all the way back.
I should have done this mapping.
Hope this helps someone else out there.