Logitech X56 HOTAS setup, use and questions

Hi all!
Last time I played FS was in the 90s with M&K. I’ve recently downloaded the sim and am trying to learn how to fly with a HOTAS rig. In the past, and in other flying games where I used my old joystick (Logitech Extreme 3d Pro) I found I had to play around with axis curves to be able to fly well.
–Is that recommended in MSFS with modern flight sticks/ HOTAS?
~ Also - trim sensitivity with the thumb wheels seems pretty sensitive at the moment; small changes seem to have big reactions. Is that a matter of familiarity - or should I perhaps flatten the middle of the curve for them to lower initial sensitivity?

Has anyone seen or made a chart that explains the buttons and switches in relation to the X56? The in-game controls scheme has helped to a degree - but I’m still at the point of scribbling on yellow stickies trying to develop familiarity and (eventually) muscle memory. Seen anything like this I can crib from?

Also - I noticed that the engines completely cut out when I pulled all the way back on the throttle. (I know, “Don’t pull all the way back on the throttle”) – is this by design, or should I perhaps edit the throttle (or put in a stop) so that I don’t completely kill my engines without meaning to? How do experienced players deal with this?

Appreciate any answers - and any suggestions about stuff I may not have yet encountered!

I believe that by default one side of the throttle control is mixture, the other half is throttle. If you pull the mixture right back it will cut the engine in a GA plane.

I won’t have an X56 until after tomorrow (!) - then I might be able to help further.