Logitech yoke system, power faults common?

Please help! I installed a clean copy of Win 11. Nothing other than MSFS 2020 and Logitech flight yoke, multi switch and FIP drivers installed. The game plays great however, when the game is running and I have my Logitech setup connected I get the sound of USB disconnecting and the game skips at the same time and this happens frequently. I have my Logitech setup on a powered usb, I changed my power management to performance and disabled the computer ability to shut off usbs. I can’t find anything on device manager but I also don’t know what to look for. I don’t even have any printers connected at this point. What can be happening and how do I correct it??


Open notepad and copy the following

Get-CimInstance -ClassName MSPower_DeviceEnable -Namespace root/WMI |
Set-CimInstance -Property @{Enable = $false}

Save it as c:\fixusb.ps1

Open notepad again and copy the following

@echo off

PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “& ‘C:\fixusb.ps1’”


Save it as c:\fixusb.bat

Right click the fixusb.bat and run as admin.

It should set every device in the device manager to have “allow this computer to turn off this device to save power” unticked.

Hopefully that will fix it for you. For me, just changing the setting in the “edit power plan” section was not enough, i had to make sure every device was unticked in device manager… this script and batch file should do that automatically for you, without having to go through every single device and check it.

I also found that, in the past at least, it didn’t even have to be a device you were using with flight sim to cause an issue… sometimes other devices would turn off and it would crash the sim for me. Touch wood… this seems to have done the trick though.

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