Could anyone point me in the right direction for the AC adapter/power supply they’d recommend for the Logitech Yoke? Many thanks.
5V/1A is OK
None is the easy answer.
The yoke (and Throttle) alone don’t use anywhere near the USB 2 limit for current let alone that for USB3.
The power socket is for the USB hub on the yoke body can be used to add other peripherals, then you would need to power the hub (depending). i think this was intended for rudders, radio panels etc. Far better to use a decent powered USB3 Hub instead
So, just plug it into USB and it will be fine. If you have any problems that ppear to be power related either plug the yoke into a powered hub or try another socket on your pc.
If memory serves, the PSU is 5V DC, 2 amp would more than plenty (it is USB 1.1 I think).
Thanks for the tip. Connecting just the Logitech multi panel to the yoke, I get a USB power error message. Otherwise, I can connect the Logitech switch panel, and the X52 joystick and throttle to the yoke with no issues. It’s just the 1 multi panel that throws it off.
OK, the multipanel has 7-Seg LEDs to power which are surprisingly power hungry (well, relatively).
I just retired my saitek but do remember the USB hub is very poor even for the era, best to avoid it.
Good Luck
I realise the yoke hub doesn’t need power to operate the pedals and other Logitech flight boxes but does anyone actually know the connector size?
Does anyone know the size of the barrel plug for the power supply, I ordered o e which they swear is for the pro flight yoke system, they sent it with 3 plugs and none fit, ot does the yoke have different size sockets on other yokes?
Thank you
The plug size is 3.4 mm OD, 1.3 mm ID.
It’s a common size but the problem with the yoke is the socket is recessed a long way in so you have to trim down the rubber surround of the plug.
Rather then just chop it back though, thin it down instead.
That way the rubber body of the plug fits snuggly inside the hole and provides a more secure connection.
Thank you Scott,
But please forgive my ignorance, 3.5mm OD
And ID what does that mean?
OD is the outer diameter of the barrel plug, and ID is the diameter of the hole (inner).
I had to trim down about 5mm of the rubber housing so that it would go in far enough.