London needs RAM

London was absolutely unplayable for me with 16 GB of RAM, so I got an upgrade to 48 GB, and it now plays perfectly fine. I didn’t check the exact FPS but it was enough to feel “normal” and fluid.

I’m writing this just to encourage anyone in a similar situation (<10 fps and usually CTD when I went too near Canary Wharf) that a simple RAM upgrade can really do the trick – I was afraid I might have to get a newer CPU. (I’m running an i7-7700 @ 3.6 GHz with an RTX 2060 Super.)

The reason I went for 48 GB is that my exact model 2x8 GB RAM modules weren’t available, only 2x16 GB and I knew my mainboard could handle at least 128 GB. From what I can see in Task Manager now, 32 GB RAM total would have likely been enough.


yes… 48GIG RAM is fine otherwise the users need to increase here windows virtual memory to a strange high value. But this is not same as physical RAM.

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Does the need for the large page file/ram have anything to do with the large usage surges that have been noted lately?

he mentioned London… there is an open issue with existing Landmarks add-on and seems in generally a very high memory consumptions at these “new” area.

But in generally the users which own less than 32GIG RAM was also former already out of the limit what MSFS needs ( in contrast what minimum spec tell ). MSFS get all from pagefile what not ‘physical’ exist as RAM. Possible here are some optimizations necessary, of course possible of cost that users can not select e.g. “ultra” with a low-end PC, or have to reduce texture-quality, etc…

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What speed is Task Manager showing your Memory at?

ah… and one example why your 48GIG was good choice

I see such consumption too, but I own 64GIG RAM.

Speed is not sooooo important. It’s only important for the memory manufactors … 2-5fps does no human eye notice, but you notice 100EUR :wink:
Much more imporant is stability, because a fligth-sim runs often very long in full load of all components.

I just ordered 64GB of ram. Currently have 32GB running at 2933MHZ. Dell XPS is real picky about memory and the last time I tried to upgrade it slowed down to 2400MHZ.

Ordered 2 32GB strips of Crucial that someone with a Dell XPS said runs at 2933MHZ. I know the difference in speed isn’t much, but it would bug me for ever that I lost speed on a memory upgrade.

I’ll just use the new 64GB and sell my 2 old 16GB strips. Well not that old, got this new PC in late December. I think the 27th or something like that. But I will also see if they all work together and end up with 96GB.

I should have the new ram next week.

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Have you set the speed of your ram with an xmp profile in your bios?

You need to adjust the speed in your bios to match your new ram if you want to get the speed.

I have 32gb and it’s awful in spots- some areas stutter like crazy while things load- especially on approach to EGLL, which is to be expected, but still…lots of new stutters. If I drop my resolution it’s better, but if I have to do that, then why bother?

If you have stutters going into EGLL and need to drop your res might be time for a hardware upgrade.

Dell bios don’t include XMP.

Wow, that is awful. Talk about crippling features. I wonder if their Alienware line with OC chips lack this basic feature.

Intel extreme tuning utility can also do this from inside the OS but that may not be accessible.

No, this is a glitch- right around the stadium the major stutters start and last for about 8-10 seconds. Flying eastbound, same thing.

I order some different Crucial RAM, which another DELL XPS user I found on some forum stated worked, and I just installed it and it did come up @2933, which is the maximum speed fpr and Intel I7-10700.

So I am a happy camper. I will try to install the other 32GB later and see if I can get 96GB at 2933MHZ. If it does work I may keep it instead of sell the 32GB, which are in two 16GB strips.

I’ll play FSXX for about a week which Discord, Little NavMaps, Twitch, Adobe with Approach Plate and see if I even come close to using the 64GB. If I do and the other 32GB can be added without slwing down the speed, then I will keep the 96GB.

Some people have said that using all four banks ioften slows the memory down. I will have to try that.

wrong :wink: … important is how much RAM your mainboard can handle and >64GIG may be out of spec.

My MB can handle up tp 128GB. It’s a brand new DELL XPS bought December 27th, 2020.

Just did a flight around JFK with all the usual things opened and all is working fine with 64GB.

with 64GIG RAM you can also safe bit disc space… set windows virtual memory to MIN:1GIG and MAX:4Gig :slight_smile:

That’s great to hear. If the speeds don’t match, they’ll default to the slower speed.

Keep us posted!

(Btw, you should review your mobo- just bc it was made in late 2020 doesn’t mean it is a current mobo)