Longitude bank angle indicator seems to be reversed

When banking left the bank angle indicator shows the indicator moving to the right.
Is there any way to fix this?
This is the instrument I’m referring to…
Screenshot 2023-10-02 032044

Do you understand the differences between fixed pointer and fixed scale roll indications? Could this be your issue?

I thought it works as a fixed scale roll indicator and the pointer rotates along with the pitch ladder according to bank.

I see the reason for the question. Note the roll indicator is moving in unison with the pitch ladder and if you draw a line up the middle of the pitch ladder it’s perpendicular to the horizon line.

Hers a link that helps explain the differences. Note the position of the pointer in the movable pointer type (second image).

Thanks for that info…
So in my photo, I’m banking right [white chevron indicating that] with what looks like the pitch ladder is fixed to the horizon line and both are rotating left. So is the bank angle pointer indicating around 40 degrees on the left of centre?

This is very non-intuitive!

Yes indeed. Look at the horizon it tells you which way you are turning if you are in any doubt.

Also the scale roll indicator is also fixed to the plane…interesting indeed…thanks again.

Don‘t know if there are different settings for Garmins, maybe somewhere in the settings there‘s an option to change that.
I fly a plane with the G3X IRL, that has a fixed pointer, so it shows in the direction of the bank.

Checking pictures of the G1000 in the internet I see the same behavior, example https://images.app.goo.gl/dWJexHSCXffHj2Hg7

where the scale is fixed to the horizon line and the pointer is fixed to the top of the screen.

Yes some units allow changing that in a pilot available menu other units may have the option but as a maintenance item only.

The Instrument you are referring to is called the Artificial Horizon (AH). It is normally located in the Primary Flight Display (PFD). There is normally a backup available in the form of a standby AH.

When turning on instruments you normally use the Artificial Horizon (AH) to see if you are straight and level or banking. The horizon in the instrument is following the ground. That is very intuitive.

Since one triangle is following the horizon and the other triangle is fixed at the top, it appears to go the other “wrong” direction. It is designed to give the pilot a reading of how many degrees the bank is. It was never designed to tell the pilot the direction of the bank. When you turn you don’t fixate your attention on the triangles. You rather use the whole horizon to turn the aircraft and use your brain to estimate the correct angle. Then only do you fine-tune using the triangles. I can guarantee you that if you fixate on the triangles, you are going to not notice a pitching change for example.

Have a look at Chapter 6 in the free FAA Handbook: FAA-H-8083-15B, Instrument Flying Handbook

It’s just a matter of getting used to it.

Much prefer a stationary scale roll indicator with a moving roll pointer that rotates in the direction of the bank.

So there is no option in the Citation?

I haven’t gone looking. I would think so somewhere but perhaps not for the sim. I was though talking in general terms.

No, there is no option, it’s defined by the aircraft install fleet-wide. Previously we had it incorrect for the Longitude but it was corrected in AAU2 and what you see now is the style that appears in this aircraft in real life.

The G3000/5000 is capable of either sky-pointer or ground-pointer modes, and avionics engineers at the aircraft manufacturers tell Garmin which one they want to use when building the customized aircraft software package for the installation. The aircraft is then later certified with that selection.


Thank you for that info…I thought I was losing it until you explained it was changed.

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In my photo above if the plane was actually in a banking left turn as opposed to a right turn all indicators would make sense pointing in the direction you’re actually flying [pitch ladder, bank pointer, AH, ground/sky graphics]…similar to other planes I’ve flow such as DCS f-18. What my eyes are seeing on the instruments [except for 1 bank angle indictor triangle] don’t correspond with what the plane is doing and in a zero visibility situation I would definitely not want the present set-up.
I’ve read the explanations above…but this is definitely not preferred…for me it’s a mess having the pitch ladder and bank pointer going left of the zero bank indicator while the plane is banking right.

Did I understand you correctly from your last post, that this was your indication during a LEFT turn?

This is far from the only plane in which the attitude indicator is configured as a sky pointer. You just have to swap thinking of the bank pointer as the bottom pointer (connected to the ground) and think of it as the top one (the arc pointer). Your brain gets used to it.

No, the screenshot shown is the indication for a right turn.

For translation purposes

Sky pointer = fixed scale roll indication
Ground pointer = fixed pointer roll indication

I believe there was a study made on this some time back that found many more pilots found the sky pointer type less intuitive to use during unusual attitude recovery. That was apparently meant to be its main advantage (being it always points to the sky) but apparently not according to the study.