Longitude C700 autopilot issues on second flight [Fixed, solution posted]


The cause of the issue was an old software version of the TDS GTN, which auto launched with the sim and was causing issues with the FD. They pushed an update for this late last year, but I had forgotten to update.

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Have you disabled/removed all your mods and addons? If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the Community Support section.


Which aircraft are you reporting an issue about? (Please also add the proper tag for it)

Citation Longitude C700

Which aircraft version are you experiencing this issue on? (You can find this listed in the Content Manager under the Aircraft Name)

SU 14 version

Brief description of the issue:

Doing a turn-around causes autopilot issues. Whenever I start a second flight without ending and restarting the flight, the following issues occur:

  • A/T does not respond normally to FLC climb/descend. It generally hovers somewhere around 80% for climbs and just under half thrust for descends. This is true for both VNAV on and off.
  • VS becomes unadjustable, you can toggle it but it will only lock onto the current value, you cannot change it.
  • HDG works normally, but button does not light up when HDG mode is active

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Quick video of issues: https://youtu.be/1YowDPA8B9k

Picture example of the N1 value during a FLC which should’ve been at CLB thrust:

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:

Example flight to recreate: LFKF - EDDM. Spawn engines on or off your discretion. Full simbrief import, or optionally for zero addons just enter BTA DOBIM for the test. Perf calcs optional. TOGA and A/T Hold to depart, and manual flight or with autopilot do a quick stop and go at LFKS (stop on the runway, toggle parking brake, depart, resume flight). No need to change FMS, just manually navigate and land for testing purposes. As soon as you’re airborne the second time, the issues above will occur and remain.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:

7800x3D, 3060Ti, 64GB DDR5, Win11

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

SU13 or 12

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The Bug Reporting Hub is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce without duplicating an existing bug report.
Using the template is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the User Support Hub category.
If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.

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All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.

Also able to recreate this just now by spawning in no-addons MSFS on the runway at LFKF and programming nothing, taking off right away without touching any systems, land back at LFKF immediately, then depart again.

No VS, missing AP panel lights, A/T-FLC integration not working right.


The cause of the issue was an old software version of the TDS GTN, which auto launched with the sim and was causing issues with the FD. They pushed an update for this late last year, but I had forgotten to update.

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