Looking for a Cargo Virtual Airline to fly the MD-11? FedEx VAC is looking for pilots

With the release of TFDI’s awesome MD-11, we wanted to share FedEx Virtual Air Cargo with the community!

We fly real routes with the actual FedEx fleet. We recently launched an MD-11 Tour to celebrate the latest addition to our VA. We strive for realism and continue to update our training offerings for current pilots.

At FEDEX VAC, we’re committed to providing you with an exceptional virtual aviation experience powered by VAMSYS technology; allowing you to load cargo. Whether you’re exploring flight routes from United State to Europe, our community-driven atmosphere fosters connection and camaraderie among the virtual flying community. We’re more than just a virtual airline; we’re a community. Join us today and soar to new heights. Strap in, throttle up, and get ready to soar to new heights with FEDEX VAC!

We’re very active on Discord: FEDEX Virtual Air Cargo

More details at our website: FlyFDXVAC

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Great VA. Relaxed atmosphere. Good group of pilots. Glad I joined.

In the past, I have tried to join your VA on several occasions. I had issues with your form which you never responded to. The last time, after finally be able to doing the introductory flight and submitting the report, the only response I received was that I was underage (whaaat??!) I’m still wondering how you obtained such false info. Anyway, when I sent an email to resolve it, I never received a reply (again).

As you can see from my avatar, most of my flights are emulating routes of FEDEX feeders with the Caravan (Empire, Mountain Air, etc.), and I have always wanted to join a VA that would allow me to enjoy a more immersive experience. But the treatment I have received from your VA over the years has been more than frustrating.

Hey there. I think you might have us confused with another FedEx VA. I know because I went through a very similar negative experience with that VA after my check ride.

We don’t require introductory flights or a filed PIREP to join. You can be up and running in a matter of minutes. And we love our Feeder Fleet. In fact, we have a Caravan tour going on right now.

Feel free to request an account via the website or join our Discord and we’ll get you squared away.

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Hi there,

Sorry you had this experience with another VA. It was most definitely not us, I review every pirep that is submitted. We only started our VA in May 24 and have not been open for years. We also do not require an introductory flight. Hopefully you are able to contact a staff member and get signed up if you still wish. We are rapidly growing and have over 190 pilots at this time, we would love to have you!

-Carter P. -COO


My apologies for having confused you with another VA. This month I will be away from my computer, but as soon as I return, I will sign up. Thank you for responding so quickly.



No problem, I’m glad it wasn’t us haha We look forward to having you!