Looking for advice, changing from VR to "not VR" is tanking my framerates

That could be the problem relating what I’ve wrote above and what I was meaning to say about “2 different strategies for NVidia CPL” (CPL: control panel, the one you’re adjusting the NVidia settings with)

I’ve published my article “My VR Settings - G2” which is the complete guide for configuring your system (NVidia, Win10, OXR, FS2020, etc…). These are for non-reproj:

My 2070 SUPER VR settings and suggestion (Reverb G2 - WMR)

I’ve further posted an update for reproj. settings, where I’m explaining there are different NVidia CPL settings to apply to get the most of it, compared to the NVidia CPL settings I’m recommending when not using reproj:

[Update 02JAN2021 - Settings for Motion Reprojection]

Now about what I’ve said above TAA 150 + OXR 50 this is only if your card can handle it and I’m sure your 2070S won’t, but you’ll see what it looks like if you’d do (and it will make you want a 3090…)

I know it is a lot of information but you have to understand this comes as a whole. I’ve fine tuned everything together and picking just 1 or 2 items won’t give you the same experience nor the best performance. I would have preferred having a 3090 and get along roughly configuring some in-game settings, but with a 2070S, you must balance everything and fine tune some settings to reach the ultimate perf you can get out of the card. I’m pleased I’ve managed to find a specific combination of settings helping achieving this, and I believe there are not much other combinations available regarding Win10+NVidia+TAA/OXR balancing strategy available.