Just flew the RNAV (RNP) Z RW 34 approach into CYLW (Kelowna BC). The G1000 NXi is working flawlessly and its such a blast to see it follow the approach with such precision.
Looking for other cool/fun RNAVs to fly. Through difficult terrain or with lots of twists and curves…
I like the KPSP Palm Springs RNP Z 13R, which includes a wide changing radii RF segments landing parallel to a 10,800 ft mountain abeam the airport at 450 ft. Never flown it in MSFS but in P3D with Orbx scenery it’s good, should be better in MSFS if the stock approach resembles the real thing.
I always appreciate the RNAV approach to RWY 08 in Juneau, AK (PAJN) and then there is the RWY 34 RNAV approach to Sparrevohn LRRS (PASV) with a mountain at the end of the runway. You could also look into the RNAV approach for RWY 02 into Anaktuvuk Pass (PAKP).
Many of the RNAV approaches posted here are RNAV(RNP), not RNAV(GPS). RNAV(RNP) requires specific equipment, aircraft, and training because these approaches are much more difficult and complex than RNAV(GPS). This is similar to driving a winding road in mountains where there are speed limit signs for each of the curves. Of course, there are autos and drivers who can drive the curves significantly faster than “normal” autos and drivers. But there are drivers who don’t have the skills, tires, or suspension and drive too fast….
It is possible to attempt an RNAV(RNP) approach with only a GPS but it may be too difficult to complete successfully. In other words, most RNAV(RNP) approaches would be “cool”.