Looking for g1000 on android tablet


Is there an app that I can download on an android device that would act as a g1000, if I had 2 tablets could I get the whole view of the g1000.

Thank you

Maybe have a look at the following:




I think it’s pretty good.

Simionics is nice, but it’s only for iPad. The OP specifically wants Android apps.

Right now I’m using an old Amazon Fire 8 with Spacedesk. Using the right Alt key, you can pop out the G1000 and drag it to and sternal display. I only wish you could also grab the buttons, but it’s great for a free solution and doesn’t require top of the line tech.

I haven’t fired up my tablet in a while.
Do you still have to pop out the panel to the tablet every flight?

I believe so.

Here is a G3000 themed app that may be of interest…


Is the Android APP for Peixsoft still available ?
cant find it in Play Store