Searching for real pilots to fly with. I’ve yet to fly multi in FS2020. Wanting to stay away from kids busting patterns. PM me
Where would you like to fly?
Anywhere you like. Exploring the sim. I will be driving up north and be gone for a week but will PM you when I return.
Working on PPL right now. I’m on Pacific timezone, I always enjoy doing GA flights to keep building some practice but I’m open to everything
Same has ^ working on PPL, I like flying traffic patters in GA in Central Oregon (where I train) to get better understandings! Let me know where you want to fly!
I have returned from vacation and am ready to team up. Any takers? 8*)
Is it worth thinking about this ?
I think you have a point, I’m in a UK based group (not specifically MSFS, but some have it) which does just this. We fly from A to B via C and D, like the group flights, except we have ATC on both ends, (sometimes the same person, sometimes not), so fly proper traffic patterns and the like. Or at least we try to, some of us do better than others (ahem)
I did one of the Community fly ins and it was fun enough but take off and landing was complete chaos. Can one attach ATC to MSFS ?
Um, I take it that you mean having voice control over two airports via DISCORD?
It’s done on VATSIM but there’s no reason why you couldn’t use Discord, Teamspeak or whatever.
Where are we all meeting up?
Are you still doing this? This sounds like it was made for me. I am usually available to fly 1300z-1600z Saturday’s & Sunday’s.
YES. Ive been so busy tweeking VR that this got lost in the shuffle. Sorry!
Meeting NOW a Innsbruck, Austria. Dec 26, UTC 12:30AM. That’s in 10 minutes. Cessna 172 or whatever you like.
I started a VR group on FB & Discord. We have a good following, and no toxic BS of the public groups.
We tend to fly more real to life procedures for departures and arrivals. We fly strictly GA, except once a month where we’ll host a group fly-in, where you can fly whatever you want from anywhere you want.
We are the Armchair Aviators Around the World!
MSFS 2020 VR Group. (VR not required to join)
We typically fly Saturdays & Sundays starting @1300z.
Fly-in arrivals are 1500z.
I’m down for that. I will log in tonight and find the link on FB.
Can I have the FB link
I was off FB for quite some time due to the negativity. I rejoined almost a year ago. I forget the date. Will try to figure it out and join at a year.