Looking for the best way to control the honeycomb alpha yoke

When coming in for a landing the planes seem to shift right and left so I wonder if my sensitivity on the yoke is too much. I am using fsuipc 7 and trying to find a good setting on the slope settings

I just use the defaults and don’t have a problem. When I was using a Virpl stick I used the in-game sensitivity settings but now they are purely defaults.

It seems the in-game settings changed by themselves in the recent patch for some people so it may be worth confirming what your are.

I’ve never used that feature in FSUIPC so I can’t comment on that one.

Honeycomp defaultvalues are spot on 1:1 movements.

no issues with pulling to left or right calibrated perfectly

The 1:1 in fsuipc 7 seems to do it. The elevator axis I set about 3, little smoother pitch on the pull of the yoke at take off.