Looking for users of Saitek Backlit Information panel

Hello @ll,

I am currently implementing an interface to the BIP into the AxisAndOhs app to cover that last base of Saitek panels. Problem is, that it is next to impossible to purchase one of those, they seem to be out of production?

I would be grateful if a BIP owner would be willing to help by running special test versions of AAO on his computer and taking videos of what happens on the BIP device - please send me a message here in the forum.

Many thanks and best regards
Oliver Binder

Hi There !
I am owner of a Bip and it works fine with the new MSFS Logitech Driver.
Only the allocation of the writing plates are fixed. So you must find out the exact illumination of them by pressing the switches of the airplain. I have tested and set up for the Airbus in MsFS.
It is very hard to find Bip Panels becaus Saitek gived up the production.
Regards Tom

I just got my hands on a BIP
I can send it to you if you return it after testing.
And you pay for postage both ways
Contact me on

Hello @ll,

many thanks for all replies - the matter has been resolved, and AxisAndOhs has an interface now for the BIP!

Best reagrds

mine doesn’t work, i dont know why… it’s reconised by my PC but nothing in game…