Looking to buy Boeing 737 MCP - Recommendations please!

Ahh thank you for that. Very nice of you to say. I will definitely take you up on that.

I just realized the electric plug that goes into the back (assume for the lighting) is a European plug so will need to buy an adapter. But here we go! Going to read their support site and go from there.

Couple of questions for you; if I may:

  1. Do you use SPAD or Mobiflight?
  2. Do you have your mcp and efis on a stand? If yes, where did you get yours?

The units will work via usb only but the mcp backlighting needs the additional power supply. No need to wait for the adapter if you’re impatient like me! I use mobiflight, seems the CFT team prefer MF but there are plenty of users that use spadnext. I would have bought the stand to sit the combo on top of my honeycomb but i couldnt justify the price so i have them sat on a piece of wood! Not the prettiest solution but it cost nothing and it does the job! Compared with their electronic products the stands seem expensive to me, not sure why.

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Thank you, again, for all your advice. It’s truly helpful. I too am thinking of using a stand/piece of wood to just have it a bit elevated from my computer desk.

It’s working great w/ PMDG 737. However, I’m trying to do my best in learning coding with HubHop and Mobiflight so I can use the MCP and EFIS for other airliners I love to fly, like the 787 and even Fenix 320. I realize they’re not made for those, but there is a “beta” file from core flight technologies where my MCP seems to be working ok with my 787, I just can’t get my EFIS to work in the 787 and I can’t figure out how to correctly code/set the parameters. Hoping someone has already done it and could send me screenshots or something, or a file like we got from core flight’s website.

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Wow, you seem to have been really unlucky. My units are working well but im using config files that are a few months old, not inclined to install new ones in case i break something! I hope you manage to get everything sorted out, CFT have many happy customers so there is nothing fundamentally wrong with their products or their customer service. Good luck.

I can only speak about the goods and service I have received but I have observed lots of help on CFT’s Discord channel from Yasar and between the customers themselves. Believe me, I understand your frustration and I would be upset if I spent a fair chunk of money on something that arrived damaged or was malfunctioning, I’m surprised you didn’t return the MCP at least for a refund or replacement. Anyway, as I said, good luck and I hope things work out for you.

Hello. Sorry to read that you have problems and that you are not satisfied. I only bought all the radio modules from Yasar’s website. Not yet EFIS and MCP. I had a little problem at first and Yasar always answered me during the day and even 1 hour later. He solved my problem, which was because of a bad configuration file. This can happen but the most important thing is that the seller finds the problem and updates his configuration file. Today everything works very well. I am very happy with the products and very happy with Yasar’s after-sales service, which I find very nice. I will still invest at Core Flight Technology in the future. I’m sorry you have problems but I wanted to give my experience with Yasar and Core Flight Technology.

Bonjour depuis la Belgique :belgium:

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I read that you had a problem but I just want to say here that many other customers are very happy. Cancelling the sale? All the products I bought, today they work very well and I have a lot of fun using them. I’m looking forward to new products :smiley:

Opencockpits MCP and other B737 modules with Oi4FS is Plug&Play.


Just to confirm the positives about the Core Flight Technology EFIS and MCP, I bought them together with the desktop stand for the Honeycomb Alpha yoke, and am absolutely delighted with the whole setup! I got great support from CFT in configuring the unit to talk to MSFS, and it is working perfectly. What a joy not to be trying to twist knobs on a touchscreen, but to twist actual knobs instead. Does a lot for the feel of immersion. I’ll likely add the radio panel next, since I’m currently using that on a touchscreen. I’m happy with the overhead panel being on a huge touchscreen, as that’s mostly switches to flip rather than knobs to turn. Here’s a pic of the current cockpit, just below the current configuration (still under development):
MSFS 2020, latest update, running on a 4-year-old AMD Thread Ripper
(32 nodes, 64 threads) with an NVidia GEForce RTX 3080 XC3 Ultra graphics board
PMDG 737-800, with Delta livery N399DA
Honeycomb Alpha Yoke
Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant
Saitek Pro Flight Rudder
For talking to “copilot” (and I suppose some human or AI version of ATC when I’m
ready to engage in ATC again) (20 years of IFR in a Mooney, but ATC is a lot when
single pilot in a B737, I find.) – VoiceAttack, plus AntiMicro & MicMute, which
together enable push-to-talk switch on the Alpha yoke.
Core Flight Tech MCP and EFIS (“Glareshield Combo”) in Core Flight Tech Desktop
stand for Alpha yoke, linked to MSFS using Mobiflight
10" Android touchscreen tablet, on which CDU (FMC) is “popped out” on browser via
wifi connection to AviaServer running in the host
22" Android touchscreen tablet mounted overhead, on which the overhead panel is
reproduced via Microsoft Edge browser connection to AviaServer running on host
(Note: ancient TechLand tablet runs non-upgradable Android 4.4.4, and a 2020
release Microsoft Edge was the only browser I could find that could run on Android
4.4.4 and still display the Aviaserver 737 overhead panel)
10" Microsoft Surface tablet, on which the PFD, MFD, and engine instruments are
popped out via MSFS Popout Manager by means of Spacedesk server and clients
19" video monitor that mirrors the display on the Surface tablet above. Surface tablet is
mounted off to the side as the First Officer’s display, while 19" monitor sits right
below in center of the three screens driven by MSFS, providing a large and
stationary instrument platform for a pilot with bad vision.

Nice setup. I’m trying to see how you’ve mounted the overhead tablet? Whats holding it in place?

Here are some pix showing what I built to hold it… basically, some pieces of steel angle
iron with holes, screwed onto 2x4 blocks that were screwed into a fixed bookshelf.
I had to cut the steel with my Dremel tool, which took a while, but worked fine. The
most important thing was that I recognized in advance what a hazard those sharp
pieces of angle iron would be, standing there at eye level, so before even mounting
the touchscreen, I cushioned the ends with cotton balls and electrical tape. Good
thing, too, because in the first week of use, I’ll bet I bumped into the thing at least
a dozen times! But having the overhead stuff available right overhead works great,
and is well worth the effort!

I know it’s a long time ago now, but did you get yourself an MCP and which one did you buy? I’m in the UK too and currently looking.

Not sure who you’re asking but if its me I ended up getting the MCP and EFIS from CFT in November 2022. Very happy with the purchase, still working perfectly well nearly 18 months later.

I’ve got the CP Flight MCP and x2 EIFS and they work great. A little pricey but they’re plug and play with included software from CP Flight. They work perfect with the PMDG 737s

two suggestions… Cockpit Simulator I own. Is more expensive but great quality. Cant speak for Core Flight, but they get good reviews.

1 Shop - Cockpit Simulator

2 https://coreflighttech.com/