I’m in the market for a Boeing 737 MCP to add a deal of immersion. Scouting the web there are a handful options but I’ve yet to locate a supplier in the UK and am nervous of importing from elsewhere but will do if necessary. Looking for maximum compatibility with the PMDG 737 and ease of use, plug and play ideally, I’m hopeless with stuff like SPAD so really want something that will pretty much work out of the box. Am I asking too much or can anyone help with recommendations? Thanks
I have a Discord channel with real 737 pilots and enthusiastic cockpit builders and can ask for you.
Sorry my personal preference is going fully VR and step into a virtual cockpit with a VR headset that´s why I have zero knowledge about cockpit building, but I am going to ask.
OK asked, and maybe tomorrow I have some more infos for you
That is so kind of you, many thanks. From what I’ve read on this site and elsewhere it’s an absolute minefield trying to get MCP’s and EFIS working fully with MSFS2020, don’t think anyone has yet produced one that is plug and play. Thanks again
Many years ago I bought the full size CP Flight version for FS9 made in Italy.It was more expensive than some but was considered to be of high quality at the time.It has been faultless for many years,not sure if they have it working with MSFS yet though?
Moved to #self-service:pc-hardware
Yes, I found their site but it’s not apparent how well it works with MSFS2020 and they are much dearer than some of their competitors. I’m trying to make contact with Core Flight Technologies based in Istanbul as they claim compatibility and their prices are relatively affordable. Would much prefer to buy new as I fear fixing an old broken one would be impossible for me!
I’m using the GF-MCP PRO. Works perfectly with either the go flight software (literally plug and play) and also with spadnext (which requires adding a profile from the online snippets section and took me less than a minute to download and install to fully working status).
Current build in progress here (excuse the mess lol). I’m about to add the overhead touch screen to the setup for touch control of the overhead in the 737. Should be done this weekend. Message me if you need any help with the GF-MCP if you go down that route.
OpenCockpits is another sim manufacturer and they are Spanish ,they are very popular partly because they are good value and make loads of stuff .I bought a basic uncased model from them once but returned it for an encased CP Flight Mcp and Efis instead .CP flight were always very quick to respond to any queries I had ,Paulo I think is his name?.It is a very compact unit and was pretty much plug and play at the time and very well put together but yes it was more expensive,was worth the extra for me,if price is very important have a look at Opencockpits👍
I can also only recommend the MCP from CPFlight, either the PRO with LAN or the NG with USB.
The advantage, the EFIS from CPFlight can be connected directly to the MCP. I have the NG variant and my EFIS is just on the way. Works with MSFS 100%, only the altitude has a small “lag”.
Visually and haptically perfect
Alternatively, there is still FDS.
I can clearly say it’s fully compatible with the MSFS2020!
You can prefer Mobiflight or Spad.neXt. So, here is the great opportunity to make it compatible with all flight sim. platforms. Config files are also ready to use. No extra effort needed.
I posted my questions a couple of weeks ago and have since bought the MCP and EFIS from Core Flight Technologies. Delivery from Turkey to the UK was super quick (despatched Monday and delivered Wednesday!) and communication from CFT was excellent throughout. Needed help to get up and running but that was sought and delivered successfully literally within minutes. The units themselves are excellent quality and the after sales support is remarkable, quick and super friendly. Prices are very competitive, I’d certainly recommend taking a look at their products.
If you’re looking for something which is easy to connect and basically plug and play then Cockpit Master are the best in my opinion. I have their CDU and it works perfectly. You just download the software and it just works without the hassle of having to mess around with settings or having to use SPAD.
They’ve recently released an MCP and EFIS and also sell a nice looking desktop stand. This is on my wish list and the reviews I’ve read online are excellent. Cockpit Master are probably higher in price than the others out there but the fact they are plug and play make this worth it. You have to appreciate the software that they have developed to make this work perfectly which I guess is factored into the price.
I don’t suppose anyone can review the core flight mcp after owning it a few months? Pros and cons? Is the a/t switch magnetic for example.
I am tempted by it I must admit so curious about what the long-term experience is.
I’ve had my MCP (plus EFIS) for over 6 months now and I’m pleased to report that I’ve had zero issues with it, indeed its got better as when I first bought it there was a sim related issue that prevented negative Vert Speeds from displaying, positive ones were fine but the display went blank for descents. A few months ago CFT issued instructions on how to fix it and everything works as it should. I assume your specific query concerns the Disengage bar which I don’t think is magnetic but clicks up and down with a reassuring clunk.
I only bought the MCP and EFIS to add to immersion so really aren’t qualified to comment on how well they match their real life equivalents, suffice it to say that I’ve no regrets about the purchase and for the price I don’t think they can be beaten.
Don’t know if you’ve found it but I posted a very short and amateurish video of the unit on Youtube a few days ago. Core Flight Technologies MCP and EFIS - YouTube
Thank you for all the reviews and updates; very helpful. Can I ask a noob question? Will these work with other boeings in the sim? ie 787? upcoming PMDG 777? I realize it’s made for the 737, but was just curious.
I havent tried using my mcp with anything other than the pmdg737 but in theory it should work with pretty much any plane providing you have the right mobiflight or spadnext configuration file. Theres a guy on the CFT discord channel that has offered to create some for aircraft other than the 737 and i look forward to trying them in due course.
thank you for the response. I just ordered the combo. So excited!
I just got my glareshield combo from Core Flight Technologies today!!! So excited. Haven’t even installed it yet, but will do so later today!!
I’ve always enjoyed your contributions to the MSFS2020 forums so I’m delighted to have played a part, however small, in you taking this path to enhancing your simming experience. If you’re not confident getting the hardware up and running, or things don’t go according to plan at first my best advice is not to panic. From my own experience, and from observing things from a distance, CFT will get you up and running in no time. I can also recommend an excellent affordable radio stack from another source if you’re ever in the market, just get in touch!
Happy flying!