Lost ATC Voice Per Usual But Fixd It

I’ve only tried this today so it’s not a good test yet but I thought I’d report so others can try it. When I lost ATC voice, on a whim I opened the ATC window and selected the other frequency available there. That did it, ATC voice was normal instantly. Might’ve been a fluke.

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This does work occasionally for me, but unfortunately not a permanent fix. I’ve also tried disabling unused sound ports in Windows, switching ATC off and on again, tuning manually etc, but all without luck.

But your system will be different from mine, so hopefully you will have more success.

Moved to #community-support:aviate-navigate-communicate

This worked once for me, but not on subsequent attempts.

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I haven’t lost ATC voice in months…the solution…Don’t use ATC
weirdly this solution also solves all the other ATC related issues too, though I’ve become very lonely


Personal Comments and Observations

Offline ATC - always there, always working. Plus you can use things like Phraseology Mods to make ATC more agency compliant (i.e., FAA, EASA etc).

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CasualC, more detail please.

Can confirm


I did this too, and it worked temporarily but as stated is unfortunately not a permanent solution.

It’s a setting in the sim. Instead of Azure Text-To-Speech (TTS), set it to Offline, it will use whatever Windows Localization voice files are installed on your PC - also an MS product, so it’s all transparent.

Thanks CasualC

Offline still loses voices too

That has never happened to me, and I have been flying Offline ATC since SU2.

You can’t lose voices using Offline - they are files local to your PC, unlike Azure which is subject to Internet Connectivity. They are the same files Windows would use for things like local TTS for vision impaired users.

Ok, I tried offline, but on my pc the females sound like 14 year olds. I assume there are better voices available but not currently on my PC, I checked. I will do a search on where and how to acquire more/bedtter voices, but any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.

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You can switch localization (i.e. US English, UK English, Australia, etc) but it may have unintended effects to the rest of Windows (i.e., units, currency etc). There isn’t a real way to utilize additional voice sets not made by MS and intended primarily for Windows use.

Ok, good to know. Thx

there is another thread i saw today that was also saying offline voices failed
and you most certainly can lose them it depends what’s actually causing them to be lost there does seem to be a link with using AIG or fsltl and also seems to be a strong connection with using AI to handle ATC which means any voice could be lost, i don’t know though I’m not a pc programmer i just read what others say and what happens to me

If it’s a link with a third party product, then the ATC is working, it’s the third party that needs to troubleshoot what’s happening to make ATC drop out.

I have a stock sim, no AIG, or FSLTL, just Simple Traffic for liveries, never drops out.

Not necessarily, if the 3rd party product is overloading the atc then it is just exacerbating an already existing issue. Without AIG /FSltl etc there is very limited comms , just between you and the controller but using the traffic addons comms gets very busy and it’s around these times it fails. I always thought having AI handle coms was the main cause but it has been reported that even doing coms manually voices ae still being lost …annoying to say the least. What’s interesting is that if you are doing just the flight following aspect of atc not an IFR flight plan then voices NEVER go missing.

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Losing voices doesn’t need 3rd party addons, it happens on xbox. Switching to COM2 sometimes fixes it, sometimes doesn’t.

I’ve had offline voice get lost as well.

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