Lost My Logbook

It appears through the SU13 Beta and into SU13 production, I lost my Logbook. Odd however that I while I have 28 hrs logged, I show the next level as 800 hours, which is about where I was before the log entries were lost.

Flight training status is intact (i.e. as it was originally, no data loss).


Same here. Cause entire computer to lock up


I believe you typically still keep your TOTAL, but the details get lost… (unless you did a backup !!)

So far I have not seen Asobo or MS, mention, recommend or discourage any type of user backup.

Ignore the problem, as if it does not happen, with no official suggested solutions,

Same here too, on my xbox and pc.

I logged it as a bug and it got merged into the general bug about compression and log book entries, I don’t think they read the specific issue about the total hours etc.

I can’t blame them, their QA guys must be some of the most overworked in the history of video games.
Either that or their inattention to the reporting of similar bugs is a contributing factor to the constant calamities this title seems to suffer?

My log book stopped logging august 7th.

Then after all the updates and downloads this weekend my log book is gone. When I enter logbook it says ‘no entries’, acts like it’s loading and the Sim freezes… :man_shrugging:t2:

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The logbook is compressed now and takes several minutes to decompress. Just wait it out. It does it every time. Hopefully they fix that.


You are correct! I timed it with a stop watch, took around 6mins to finally load in and give me mouse control again!

Good news is my logbook is logging again. Went from 8/7/23 to 9/30/23 with no hours logged though… :pensive: