Love your fellow XBox user

Ah… from the whole “PCMR” group. :\

I’ll game on anything I can. Been around since the Atari 2600, and I’m not stopping any time soon. :slight_smile: I love helping folks out where I can, especially when it comes to flight sim stuff!


As a series X user, and a pc user, I test both in beta’s, sadly it is becoming very clear to me that the sim needs to be forked so that pc, and Xbox users get separate updates as all that has happened since the sim launched on Xbox is reduced performance and visuals on pc to accommodate Xbox, and back and forth issues on both platforms trying to make them equal.

One update is good for Xbox and bad for pc, and the nest is the opposite, this is what is causing tension between the two communities.

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don’t forget as an xbox user, you can buy a pc.

True, but not everyone has the income for both a ~$500 USD console, and then probably a $2500+ PC to run the sim at something near what the console can do.

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I’ll keep it simple and short for my own reasons.

Marketplace addons take too long to receive updates from
While if i get it from Aerosoft directly (example) i get an update the day it’s release and i won’t have to wait however long for it to get updated on the marketplace (which can take weeks i guess)

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@Latka and @KatanaDV20, I haven’t been personally attacked as such but have observed several attacks. Mostly the abuse comes in the form of attacking the platform rather than the actual person but has at times gone that next step, clearly resulting in a mod stepping in at some point along the way. Seeing these cases lessening is perhaps a sign of better times. I know you’re not all like that. I’ve been around since the cartridge era, so I’ve definitely been around long enough to see things evolve, regress and everything in between. Certainly been around to know better in regards to the “console wars”. For example: I was never a Nintendo guy, (Sega was my thing), but I never missed out on getting hands on with some of the classics through various means, I recognise Nintendo’s value to the gaming sphere and deserves respect.

@OldB52HGunner I never wanted those with high end PC’s to have their experiences lowered because of the Xbox. Definitely don’t want things to have to be like this but it looks like we haven’t got much choice. There has to be a silver lining here somewhere like prolonged parts life expectancy. Do people really want to cook their new RTX cards that bad? I have seen concern about the loads put on their systems during the hotter months and wouldn’t mind the sim be less laborious to run.


Some XBox users do switch over to PC. But that should be a choice.

Plus, lets say all XBox users tomorrow switch. Who is buying on the marketplace then? I don’t know about you, but I am sure looking forward to the planes from the Anniversary Edition. I’m looking forward to the next City Update. That has to get paid for somehow. We need both communities to thrive, we don’t need one community to merge into the other…


I play on both Xbox and pc, my rtx 3070 has never even gotten hot once in msfs, nor has my cpu, I made my pc with the best cooling and case I could get at the time, interestingly my series X gets pretty warm after a flight.

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Now granted, there is a memory management difference.

However, people are making the assumption everything is being done for XBox. To drive two displays, one for each eye, and have the response time people are demanding for VR, that takes a lot of optimization. To drive three monitors, sometimes 3 4K monitors, that takes a lot of optimizations.

Now, I can imagine, when it comes to memory, some things are being done for XBox yes. But I disagree that every bad thing that happens is always XBox’s fault. How long have they been saying multi-monitor support was coming? And every single Q&A for a while, Martial was stating that they have it working, but performance wasn’t good enough to release. VR is now a priority, and they have VR testers. Both VR and multi-monitor are a lot more resource intensive than running on an XBox. If something was done to reduce memory, then yes, it was probably done for XBox. If something was done to reduce rendering overhead, it was probably done for VR or multi-monitor support. Some of these changes people complain about, they worked and looked perfectly good on XBox too before the change.

The sim is a balancing act for all the difference parties and the ways they want to use the sim. Lets not always assume everything that is wonderful was done for PC, and everything that is reduced is because of XBox. We don’t know, so pointing to one area over another just gets people pointing fingers. We are all simmers. Things that are done are done for the best of the sim.


My XBox gets hot with me having my horse in Black Desert run in circles trying to level up horse Training. Its a small box meant for venting that heat out the top efficiently. Thats just the way they are. Taking a flight in MSFS is no better or no worse than even some of the simplest XBox games when it comes to heat.

That statement completely missed the entire point of this thread. It is objectively the wrong answer to this thread.

If you didn’t already, jump to the top and read post #1.


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