Love your fellow XBox user

No, this isn’t the topic you think it is. The community has been pretty good lately

However, PC users rarely consider taking efforts that would help XBox users. PC users want what’s best for PC. This has come up lately in various threads with beta release issues, beta testing, store policies, etc.

And I get it. PC users are obviously more invested in what happens for PC than they are with XBox. However, I want to point something out.

XBox users can only get content through the marketplace. Cloud users can only get content through the marketplace. Each sale that happens in the marketplace, 30% goes to Microsoft. The revenues with that 30% go to doing really great things for everyone. IniBuilds is making three planes for the Anniversary Edition. We have other 3rd parties developing other planes. We have a whole team now dedicated to photogrammetry, and we are seeing those benefits now with City Updates. The lead engineer from IL-2 Sturmovik was just hired.

Yes, Microsoft has deep pockets. And if MSFS was losing money, they would put up with it for a while due to Game Pass and the benefits to Azure sales. But all this additional stuff, Jorg would not be able to make a case with Phil Spencer for doing if we were steady losing money. Those marketplace sales are making a huge difference. This is an exciting time in the franchise with all the things coming. Stop and think about it, this will be the first time in history of flight sims that a study level jetliner will be part of the base package. Would that have happened without XBox releasing July 2021? It is doubtful. Sure there were 2 million PC users, but most PC users purchase their addons not on the Marketplace. The revenue stream just wouldn’t have been there. And the really great thing that is happening, the Marketplace revenue, it’s not just going into Microsoft’s pocket, but it is being invested in development for this entire community. City Updates, free quality planes, top notch talent being hired, none of these things Microsoft ever promised, nor did they even hint at. They have been taking the revenue and investing it back into the platform.

So if you are a PC player and you often think to yourself “Ah, thats the XBox platform, who cares”, I’m saying we all should care. If not because they are fellow simmers, at least because if we hemorrhage users from one platform, that effects marketplace sales, and that effects all of us. So whether that be consideration of sim update releases, or resolving issues with the marketplace like detailed here: Request Microsoft/Asobo to revisit consumer rights on marketplace content - Community / Marketplace Feedback - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

I’m not an XBox user anymore. I switched in January and I will never look back. But I recognize the struggles our fellow XBox brothers and sisters have, and I recognize how important they are to our community.


I agree, we are all one big family who should support each other to make flight simulator the best game for everyone!


Excellent post and thanks for linking the thread.

I’m in both platforms and to be fair, apart from stuttering and fps troubles everything seems to work on pc. The shock comes when I install on Xbox and I fancy a bit of couch flying, all those addons I’ve invested in are a bit ragged to say the least. I’d say so far in my testing on Xbox, it’s roughly thirds of 33% work as they should, 33% don’t work at all and 33% either work or don’t randomly with no rhyme or reason.

The store is crucial to the success of the game moving forward and in light of wasm and what’s coming (more complexity and more expensive addons) this needs looking at sooner rather than later.


Thank you for this post from an xbox user :+1:t2:

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PC guy here, but I have an Xbox Series X as well. (long, long time Xbox guy)

I really would love to see more of “my” world open up for the console folks. Things like… smartCARS for VA tracking. SimToolKitPro. Heck, even the scenery mod that shall not be mentioned.

We get a lot of really neat features in the form of third party addons for the PC world. I understand that the Xbox platform has a different set of rules, but surely there’s got to be a way for “outside” things to communicate with the sim. (…and don’t call me Shirley) :wink:

I am very happy that the sim got released on the Xbox as well as cloud platforms. This expands the user base, and that means …well, simply, it means more money for Microsoft. They’re going to develop the things that bring them money, and by adding more of us to the “pile” - it’s a good thing in my world.

I’m glad to see the Xbox crowd getting physical controls and stuff though!

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Lot of great points in this thread, and in the original post, that I haven’t been able to articulate as well. Very well said! I very much love playing MSFS on my Xbox.

I’m an Xbox user, always have been since my laptop is simply unable to run MSFS adequately.

I think it’s safe to assume that there are more users on PC, putting more time into the simulator, but the “per user” revenue of MSFS is higher on Xbox. Every add-on purchased through the marketplace directly supports the further development of the sim, but there’s another consideration here as well. The Xbox/cloud version of MSFS introduced proper flight simulation to a whole new audience, with the potential to reach many more people who will in turn become, not only paying customers but serious simmers, even if they stay on console or transition to PC.

Having the sim on Xbox doesn’t only increase player numbers and Game Pass subscriptions but it can have much further positive consequences as well, something no other PC sim could achieve before. And a more lively and profitable economy opens the door to even more third parties, who will create even more and higher quality content, which benefits PC users just as much, if not even more, in the long run.


I’m always being grateful for the fact that MSFS is released on XBOX. Without this what happened to FSX can happen to the new sim again: never optimised for any existing machine and abandoned forever unfinished.

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I’ve spent a lot of time in the sim on my PC. When it released on the XBox, I picked it up there for my Series S with zero expectations that it would run well. I was pretty surprised when I tried it out.

I definitely wish there were more options for the sim on console, but I also understand the challenges there. I still fly on my PC with the HOTAS I’ve had there for a long time, but I find it’s usually only when I want to fly airliners.

I’ve slowly come to the point where if I’m just doing some GA flying, it’s almost always on console now. I even bought a VelocityOne, pedals and modified a racing wheel stand to mount it all on while flying on the XBox and it’s been a blast.

Do I think the sim is better on PC? Sure do. But I won’t take away from how nice it is for me to have the option to plop down on the couch, pull my stand up and use the V1 and pedals to enjoy the scenery on my 70” TV too.

The more options, the better as far as I’m concerned. If you have a love of aviation and want to enjoy it, I don’t care where you do that. The more people who get to experience that, the better, especially when more people get to share what they love in communities of like minded people.


I enjoy having it on both Xbox and PC.

PC I use fory serious VR flying with full HOTAS and all the bells and whistles turned on.

Meanwhile, on the living room Xbox, I tend to run the game in relaxed realism settings for just bobbling around where ever looks interesting in whatever plane feels fun at the moment.

And I just found out Flying Iron’s Hellcat either is coming to, or has already made it to the Flight Sim store front, so definitely going to grab it when I can. It’s a ton of fun to fly both in full real, and in full assist mode.

Another well thought out post from you.

I don’t suppose you could clarify what you would like PC players to actually do to help us? With some of the undesirable attitudes towards me as a console user, I wouldn’t dare ask a PC user for a favour since the expectation would be to receive a mouthful of abuse. Speaking of which, it has been tapering down a lot tbf with the platform war nonsense in recent months. Too concerned with getting their rigs going properly again than finding reasons to come after us maybe.

It’s great to see you’re out there keeping somewhat invested in xbox matters. You can see the bigger picture which I’ve also seen, good for one is good for all. Growing together as one can only lead to great things for sure. I’m surprised not to see BragRaindrop in on this to. Lest we forget the “Long term on Xbox” thread you made, I haven’t forgotten and a lot of things needed to be said, here’s hoping a Part 2 isn’t needed.

@Ant1975uk, your thread is also stellar and I’m glad someone aired these concerns, great job mate. Nobody likes to get ripped off, a change in policy towards better consumer protection is a “must have”.

I’m sure your findings are invaluable as you’re on both platforms.

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I’m a PC

I think the bare minimums Xbox players should have some sort of flight tracking. One of the many free trackers like Volanta, LittleNavMap and SimToolKitPro and smartcars. Allow whatever Xbox API needs to be created to send sim data to a third party app be it on a mobile or a web-based interfaced or whatever. As some say “It’s easy to add it in” (yes i’m aware it doesn’t exactly work like that lol). You theoretically could associate to the xbox live ID but i’m sure there is a zillion more moving parts required for all of it. Best we can do is vote on the wishlist item or make one i guess.

My VA would totally be open to xbox players if there was a solid way to track flights like PC players can.

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Great response - hadn’t thought of that, most of my PC envy comes in VATSIM, head-tracking, and peripherals. Flight tracking and a solid VA gig would enhance the console experience a lot, for those who are into that type of thing

i mean there are some that also do like business jet operations too so it certainly wouldn’t be strictly limited to airliners (all up to 3 of them)

Really if anything it simply helps take the question “where do i want to fly today?” out of the equation

Its not that I am asking them to help XBox as such. Let me put it this way.

I’ve seen PC players vote and press for fixes on PC that don’t effect them. The are good about that. Perhaps something happens to VR. I’ve seen PC users that don’t use VR stand behind and insist VR get fixed. They can relate to their fellow PC simmer.

But when it comes to XBox, I don’t see that. And its not on purpose. I will give this example. A couple weeks ago, the people next door to me told me the couple across the street, 6 months ago the woman had a stroke, and the man has been taking care of her. I was like “Oh wow, that’s why I haven’t seen Sandy outside in a while”. I was sad to hear the news. But I didn’t start bringing over dinner made for them, I didn’t decide to snow plow their driveway for them, or anything like that. It’s not malicious, its just, you don’t think about it because it doesn’t effect you. Well, same thing here. PC users can’t quite relate to XBox issues, it doesn’t effect them, so its kind of a “Darn, sorry to hear that is happening on XBox… So when will I be getting augmented reality support in the sim?”

And thats where I am trying to point out, the large majority of Marketplace sales comes from the XBox community. That funds all these different deals with 3rd parties. It helps hire in talent that helps us all. It helps fund the digital documentation of historic aircraft. Think about it, another 40 years from now you aren’t going to find someone who flew some of these planes. Some of the aircraft manufacturers maybe handed down generations of the family, but some of the history will be lost. You might not be able to make the scans you can make now. I admit, a year ago, I figured Microsoft was just going to pocket the 30% from the marketplace. But they aren’t. They are investing so much of it back into the sim, and trying to save pieces of aviation history.

So yeah, I’m just trying to say, you know what, if something is really negatively impacting XBox, that matters to us all. So much of the revenue this sim sees if from the XBox and Cloud platforms.


Hi there, nice written intro @tgbushman !

with all that said for the thread, i want to “re-post” my feedback & critics about Marketplace for Xbox users here again. ( It was flagged by Mods cause i marked the important text parts with CapLock cause posting via moblie phone…hilarious…anyway)

"Hello, these are good choosen words and i want to ad some of mine feedback as a xbox user as well!

As mentioned above are Xbox users completly beholden to the official Marketplace and theire releases! Also there‘s still the Big Problem on WASM for Xbox and what to expect of it…?!

I guess first and overall to say is, That MS/Asobo has completly ruined theire Marketplace espacially for Xbox users!
So little example,I mean, (sorry to say it that hard…) How stupid is it to sell Liveries on theire Marketplace while all of PC users can have them for free just by downloading from ??
…And I’m not really sure about Licenses within the offered Livery packs on the offical Marketplace…but thats another point!

Next Big Critisim point for me as an xbox user is, (and i`ll know with the following I will not make many friends in this forum…) Why this Politics with „PC Only-releases“???

If The Product Doesn‘t Work on all Plattform you can’t release it!!!

This Politics has already lead into this splitt of the community between Xbox and PC users!!
Just Honest to say that this is creating an exlusive club, if a certain group of customers can buy a produkt while others can’t on the same marketplace…!!!.. not to tell how disapointing it is to see others can enjoy a great product while u have to wait and when u finally get it nobody fly’s the plane or is at that specific location anymore….

Another good Question also would be why this Non-Communication about the many perfomance problems on Xboxes caused through a high amount of bought add on’s Alltrough the very poor Content Manger which isn’t able to show the used RAM or CPU with certain add on’s and neither able to just „activate“ or „deactivate“ add on’s without deinstalling them completly!!!

But The Fact is: The Honest Communication about this would Reduce Sales! So they don’t Tell!!
I mean how many would continue buying planes on marketplace if there would be the honest statement:

You can buy all Planes, but you can’t install them! :wink:

Also to mention is what all the Drama was about the release oft he DC-6!!! Where they sold the plane on Marketplace just to recognize that WASM isn’t working! And not yet sill today!

And Finally it all leads us to the Big Problem → WASM on XBOX
So my Overall Question to Ms/Asobo What to expect WASM?
Can we expect to get like a full mod support like other Games are able to do so on console, for example: Snowrunner, FarmingSimulator, TheElderScrolls,etc…

As far as i Know are those games like „Mirroring“ they specific web pages for the mods like „“.
So can we expect to get acces to a mod Support and use the mods availible on for example???

Will it be able to send data from xbox to externals like navigraph, etc?

Would be nice to have a statement of some oft he officals tot hat as well as a clearly communicated status oft he release of SUx….



You’re right on the money with your thread, thanks. The problem is it’s mostly xbox users reading it judging by the replies.

Perhaps if you changed the title to “PC users: top tip for better photogrammetry” it might attract them… It’s not even all that inaccurate. :wink:

The votes thing is a real problem. As you know, we just can’t get xbox problems or q&a questions with enough votes to make it up the list. When the SU9 release total fiasco was happening we got less votes for a total game breaking bug than some question about camera shake on touchdown. And sadly that’s just how it is.


Originally I had a "PSA: " in front of the title. That was drawing more people in. But the mods changed the title by removing the public service announcement part off. And yes, then the title makes it sound like it is aimed at XBox users, so PC users aren’t reading it. Which yes, is kind of a waste then… Sigh…

One of the most important posts I’ve read - I hope it’s widely digested. Thank you for reiterating the importance of community in all we share here - we all have the same goal and a love of flight - Stronger together!

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As a PC gamer Im sorry you had that experience. Rest assured we are all not like that.

Oh - I also have a PS3, PS4, PS Vita and play em all! :slight_smile:

We are all gamers. Even the rude PC users you encountered with their $6000 custom rigs? I’ll bet ya that sitting under their TV is a console (and likely more than one!)

I personally see the XB as just a locked down Windows PC. Its a powerful system and I plan to get one. Im just waiting for a small form factor version as I like to travel with a console. My PS4 has been all over the world with me. But will be even more fun to be able to take MSFS with me!