No, this isn’t the topic you think it is. The community has been pretty good lately
However, PC users rarely consider taking efforts that would help XBox users. PC users want what’s best for PC. This has come up lately in various threads with beta release issues, beta testing, store policies, etc.
And I get it. PC users are obviously more invested in what happens for PC than they are with XBox. However, I want to point something out.
XBox users can only get content through the marketplace. Cloud users can only get content through the marketplace. Each sale that happens in the marketplace, 30% goes to Microsoft. The revenues with that 30% go to doing really great things for everyone. IniBuilds is making three planes for the Anniversary Edition. We have other 3rd parties developing other planes. We have a whole team now dedicated to photogrammetry, and we are seeing those benefits now with City Updates. The lead engineer from IL-2 Sturmovik was just hired.
Yes, Microsoft has deep pockets. And if MSFS was losing money, they would put up with it for a while due to Game Pass and the benefits to Azure sales. But all this additional stuff, Jorg would not be able to make a case with Phil Spencer for doing if we were steady losing money. Those marketplace sales are making a huge difference. This is an exciting time in the franchise with all the things coming. Stop and think about it, this will be the first time in history of flight sims that a study level jetliner will be part of the base package. Would that have happened without XBox releasing July 2021? It is doubtful. Sure there were 2 million PC users, but most PC users purchase their addons not on the Marketplace. The revenue stream just wouldn’t have been there. And the really great thing that is happening, the Marketplace revenue, it’s not just going into Microsoft’s pocket, but it is being invested in development for this entire community. City Updates, free quality planes, top notch talent being hired, none of these things Microsoft ever promised, nor did they even hint at. They have been taking the revenue and investing it back into the platform.
So if you are a PC player and you often think to yourself “Ah, thats the XBox platform, who cares”, I’m saying we all should care. If not because they are fellow simmers, at least because if we hemorrhage users from one platform, that effects marketplace sales, and that effects all of us. So whether that be consideration of sim update releases, or resolving issues with the marketplace like detailed here: Request Microsoft/Asobo to revisit consumer rights on marketplace content - Community / Marketplace Feedback - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
I’m not an XBox user anymore. I switched in January and I will never look back. But I recognize the struggles our fellow XBox brothers and sisters have, and I recognize how important they are to our community.