Low Bandwidth issues with Telekom - Germany only!

Telekom…constantly low Bandwith and long loading…
When i enable VPN it improves to 200+ mbits
Basically the behavior i usually get on cloudflare connections. That’s been a Telekom Issue for ages.


Count me in:

Telekom DSL with 100 Mbit/s, and I constantly get the bandwidth too low info, despite receiving the full bandwidth from Telekom.

Due to this, the game is pretty much unplayable due to the loading times.

The packet loss test was okayish. I had some delayed packets, but no packet was lost.


Telekom Hybrid DSL50/5G Normally download of 220 and Upload of 90 (jittering a little because of the nature of a hybrid network) cloudflare test ok but also bandwidth low messages especially in prime times (evening in Germany) daytime is mostly ok.
Used Nord VPN and connected to the US was better. So I assume it has something to do with the Microsoft Infrastructure because all other services do not have problems.
Aside from that the same bandwidth problems occured with MS2020


Hi folks,

A player on the Steam forums who has Telekom as their ISP posted that changing their DNS servers to either the Google or Cloudflare public DNS servers has resolved several issues they were having with MSFS2024.

Has anyone tried this yet, and if so, has it made any difference for you? Please let us know.



Hi SeedyL, thanks for the link.
I have tried changing the DNS server manually sometime between the first Monday and Wednesday after release but it didn’t help. I’ll try that again the next time

Currently I’m using Cloudflare Warp and that works for me (still not perfect) and some other users.
Warp changes the DNS to and is something in-between a pure DNS change and a VPN if I understood that correctly.

As end user it’s really hard to determine the actual cause for the issues so if someone from MS/ Asobo wants more infos or gather data, me and probably many others in this topic would be more than happy to assist in any way possible.

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When buying an XBOX Game I naturally don’t want to buy a VPN to get access to it.
You guys as developers should ensure that a 100 MBit Internet cable is enough to stream your game, when you decide to set everything on STREAMING.

Just out of words…

Hello @SnakeDoc142,

Changing your DNS servers to use the Google or Cloudflare public DNS servers as suggested by the Steam user whose post I linked is completely free. You don’t need to purchase a VPN service.

The OP and some of the replies in that Steam thread linked above mentioned that this easy change has resulted in a much better experience for German players who have Telekom as their ISP. It’s something you could consider trying if that situation applies to you.



There was absolutely no mention of buying a VPN. The issue described is presumably caused by Deutsche Telekom. The described fix is absolutely free and very easy. Please read the entire thread before you bring hate into this topic needlessly


T-Online (Deutsche Telekom), 100 Mbit. It works fine in the middle of the night (for example at midnight on Saturday), but at peak hours I can only use FS2024 when I use a VPN.


Tried this and changed to Google DNS but still extremely long loading times and low bandwidth warning (Germany, Deutsche Telekom 250 MBit/s, near Frankfurt, 0,0% Packet Loss).


I don’t bring hate. I’m just fighting with this software for so many hours now and never had any internet connection issues with FS2020.

I’m just feeling more and more like a software tester just to get an XBOX game to run.

As much as I’m willing to read everything here, it’s just getting so complicated.

Setting up DNS, setting up controller binding, test it, just to get a CTD and wait to start the sim again. Wonder how many time one should bring just to enjoy this game.

Won’t harm anybody. Especially not the mods here as they really have a hard time.
But I’m feeling more and more helpless to get this simulator to run.


Thanks Seedy, hope you didn’t get me wrong. Maybe I wrote too frustrated. Nevertheless the hint doesn’t work for me. Low bandwidth warnings… (as in my head already :joy:)

All best

Vodafone 1gbit cable, Berlin. No issues whatsoever since 21. Nov.

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I just tried the Cloud Flare DNS ( / and for the first time since launch I could start the sim and get into a flight with normal loading times and flawless scenery loading without using a VPN!

This was the golden ticket! Thank you!


I was wondering why the amount of reports about the low bandwith seemed to have died down almost completely, while for me those problems never went away… well you’ve guys figured it out!
500Mbit Telekom shouldn’t be the problem I thought. Must be the Microsoft servers I thought. Figures Telekom was the problem all along.
Changed our Telekom DNS servers to Cloudflare and NordVPN and everything loaded INSTANTLY. Every day since release I’ve tried playing and every day I had to wait up to 30 minutes to even get a flight started because everything, including the aircraft, was streaming so slowly that it wouldn’t even let me start a flight until it finished.
If I encounter the low-bandwith error message again, I will report back here but I think this issue might be “solved” for now.

Thank you guys!


So you needed to buy a VPN to finally play this ?

Unfortunally it seems not to be the solution for me. Maybe I did something wrong.
Did you guys disable IPv6 at all?

Only thing changed for me was it does now ctd instantly when pushing the start flight button. At least this does save some time :wink:
oh man I do have now over 50h of “playtime” according to the xbox app with about 1h of recoreded flighttime. Just such a waste of time.

Vodafone 1GB fibre. No Issues.

Good to see, that it is a Telekom issue. Had this problem in 2020 and with even worse outcome in 2024. I am using NordVPN with the Denver server to better the situation. Will try the DNS solution to see if I can cancel the subscription for NordVPN.

Is it false to ask the question why other companies seem to be able to deal with this whole Telekom issue?
It looks like it is a MSFS vs. Telekom issue more than a generel Telekom thing.
Beside the fact that MSFS does not like specific typs of AMD, not more than 32 cores, maybe even better go below 20, seems not to like more then 32gb RAM, doesn’t like Realtek soundcards, they also claimed the Issue with Tobii is due to tobii (despite the fact that there is no single label on the config menue - it looks like a draft then anything else), aso.

Seems to me someone (MS) tries do find excuses instead fo solutions. But this is just my personel feeling.

EDIT: This is not to ciritcise your statement. I appreciate your comment!