Low Bandwidth issues with Telekom - Germany only!

Description of the issue:
With Telekom as ISP in Germany it’s almost impossible to play at all because of low bandwidth issues.
Using a VPN or changing DNS sometimes helps

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Every time except for maybe in the middle of the night when no one is playing


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Start the sim and try to load anything
  2. Low bandwidth warning appears and you can see in the taskmanager that MSFS is only using single digit MBit/s and sometimes drops out completely


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
Connected to internet via ethernet
100 MBit/s connection
FritzBox router


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Only state your internet service provider and wether or not you had/ continue to have bandwith issues if you live in Germany

Please no discussions!

For an explanation click here

I suspect peering problems or something similar with Deutsche Telekom as the main reason for a lot of germans having issues especially during peak usage hours. For me it worked fine until Sunday evening but since then it got really bad. Yesterday I couldn’t play at all (tried betwen 18:00 and 23:00 local time) although generally my network was fine. Since I read reports from other german users that had absolutely no problems and others that couldn’t play at all I’d like to get some more reports to confirm or deny my suspicion.

With 2020 similar problems also were suspected to be caused by Telekom. If we as a community can determine if Telekom is really the cause of bandwith issues we can maybe bring awareness to the right people. So they can do nothing but at least we know who’s fault it is

Thanks for participating!


Have had issues for a whole week now, also Deutsche Telekom with 250 MBit/s.

Maybe there are some ports we can open for the Portforwarding?


I am on PC version. Here in Germany I have on average about 500mbits download from Vodafone… I have noticed that the CPU goes up to 100% when loading the sim? and when loading the data transfer rate is like a dripping tap…I have only managed to open the sim a couple of times… once open it is great but as of yesterday the load times are crazy …and it is sticking at 68% again … Tried re-installing several times … I have tried entering the Sim from the MS Store and XBox not much difference …

Third consecutive day with basically no bandwidth. Telekom is my ISP.

Free ProtonVPN with server in the USA and it worked for 20 minutes. Then back to low bandwidth

Telekom, 300mbits. Low bandwith issues…


Telekom 250mbits take 30 min for load the game


Netcologne, SIM starts in 3-5 min. Free Flight takes about 1 Minute to load. Prime Time around 21:00.

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Vodafone Cable here, 120 MBit or something, no problems with streaming at all. I get crisp textures and loading times are relatively short, both on game startup as well as when starting a flight.


Just want to add my two cents.

Telekom are a terrible ISP and should be avoided if possible, for years and years and years there has been a very common issue with Telekom that they give as high as 30% packet loss to data centers outside of Germany.

There is thousands of threads online if you just google 30% Telekom packet loss. They make no effort to resolve the issues at all, usually this isn’t a huge issue because game providers tend to offer servers in Germany. I am unsure about Microsoft Flight Simulator but if its connecting to an Azure server outside of Germany you’ll get 30% packet loss which for a game like this will cause you HUGE issues, using a VPN you’ll find it works fine…

Honestly avoid Telekom like the plague unless you have no choice. If your getting 30% Packet Loss you cannot blame Microsoft Flight Simulator for any slow loading issues.

I’m not for Germany but I work for a company which provides a service globally and we get so many people saying there is an issue with our service when actually they are just using Telekom internet which gives 30% packet loss…


Maybe you all should check your connection not only regarding up- and downstream speeds, but for packet loss:

This is my result with Netcologne and Standard-Settings (Target Germany):

0% packet loss for me but 2 delayed packets

Delay is ok, as long as the packet arrives. Try setting it to UK or Lithuania to check if connections outside germany are running without loss. I tried all traget servers and had no loss, just varying delays.

Throughout several runs with United Kingdom server I always lost one packet. Not perfect but shouldn’t cause such big problem

Telekom with 100MBit DSL on my side.

Usually no porblems at all with other apps, both on my Laptop and XBOX.
XBOX network test reports download rate of about 73MBit, 0 packet loss but about 170ms latency.
I guess XBOX tests against servers in Germany, so I don’t know if the test tells anything valuable concerning FS.

Is it possible that Telekom limits the traffic to specific gae providers?
Mayby Microsoft should talk to them.

This morning all went quite smoothely and I could enjoy the game for a while.
In the late afternoon (when most people in our region want to enjoy their ‘Feierabend’ in the sim), things went downhill.


Hi, PYUR is my ISP and I have a 1000 MBits download and 50 MBits upload connection. Since the day 1 desaster the load time has stabilized at around 2 minutes.


ISP = Telekom 100 MBit

I did some testing yesterday.
During the day I was not able to start a flight without CTD.
Only during 3pm CET - 5:30pm CET I could close the sim, restart and successfully depart from the runway.
I am located in Germany.

Troughout the day I did not change anything on my system.
Would this not indicate that there is something serverside if the Sim does only start without problems during a specific time?


ISP = Vodafone using my own FRITZ!Box 6591 Cable (so not a rented cable stay modem)
Bandwidth = ~1000 Mbit/s downstream, ~50 Mbit/s upstream, Dual Stack (not DSlite, so IP v.4 is used without tunneling) using Google DNS (

Connection to MSFS servers seems fine on my end. No CTDs, no long loading times and not getting stuck.

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Telekom 100 mb Germany. (XBOX)
Paket loss of 0%.
Permanent low bandwidth warning in FS24.
Game starts quick but loading times afterwards were long and graphics really poor.

Really don’t know what to do.


Telekom with 100 Mbit DL, constantly seeing low Bandwith message pop-up, unable to load any free-flight for the last two days, ran the packet-loss test, 0% loss. This sucks big time.
Just tried a VPN to the US, no improvement, what’s more, I can’t even end the game, I have to use the task manager to quit.


Provider 1&1 and my DSL Line (real 40/150 Upload/Download DSL Sync Speed) is connected to the Versatel Backbone. First 2 days after 2024 release no usable connects to MSFS 2024 Servers, but MSFS 2020 was runnning fine. After last weekend it works for MSFS 2024 servers too, and I got download speeds up to 150 MBit/s for both MSFS versions.

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