Game refuses to load the airport or anything else on the map.
I have to say that i am very dissapointed with msfs-2024 because it’s fully based on the cloud, i live in a ranch on the outsides of the city so theres no optic fiber here, the only option it’s a Mobile data based internet which is very basic (10 Mbs) so the sim looks horrible, its slow, textures looks like MSFS 2000. So basically i feel like if i don’t have a high speed internet MSFS 2024 Will kick me out of the party. Microsoft should be inclusive and think in people like me that does not have the Best Internet service and give us the option to download more cache data in to the console, i’m using Xbox series X
@Zeta8875 Is this still an issue? I was wondering if the recent improvements to the servers had helped you.
It would be nice to hear from other people who are running with a low bandwidth systems:
- Does FS24 run acceptably on low bandwidth systems?
- Are there any tips and tricks to getting FS24 to run with low bandwidth systems.
Hi! Well, with the last update now i’m able to fly around VFR, graphics are not the best which i understand because of my low speed internet but still aceptable, some of the airplanes still not work like all the Inibuilds planes, and every time i try to load a IFR flight it CTDs and crash but that has already been reported in other topics i think. I’m hoping the simulator will have a better performance with the months upcoming.
For me it is, The loading times are horrible. I have a fast internet connection. This can’t be the problem. Anyone else with this problem?
Have you tried setting as the DNS server in Windows options?
not yet, but i think i found the sollution. I stil had a edited file from using the Map Enhancement Mod. I deleted the entries and not it seems to work. Here is the tutorial
I’m glad you solved it! However, I foresee a LONG and DIFFICULT Christmas holiday…
Yes, same issue. Nearly every time I want to fly I get this message.
Terrible experience.
I really would like to get a refund now because this sim is useless.
Prefer to sim with MSFS2020 that is much better.
A post was merged into an existing topic: How to request a refund?