Low CPU/GPU usage with RTX 3090

Fingers crossed!

Thanks for the additional info

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@DensestSnail693 @MichaMMA So i checked my content manager and found this. it was updated the last time i checked

I have no idea sorry. I carry a fraction of what you have and (if applicable) I don’t use addons linker etc. which I suspect might be the problem.

LOD 200 and updated content manager. I think its fixed


Did setting LOD to 200 and updating anything in content manager fix it? I’m same boat. I have a 3090 and i7-8700 and it says 25-35 % useage on CPU and same for GPU and I get low FPS

Your problem is the 8700k - MSFS is quite CPU intensive. You will be limited by the mainthread, so performance is controlled by your processor. Trying to use a 5 year old processor will be the bottleneck, regardless if you have a 3090.

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Yup 35% CPU usage effectively means that more than two of his six cores are at 100% and such is the sim there is nowhere for his performance to grow … what a waste of a good card!

Would an i9-9900k help with getting more performance from the GPU? I was able to pick one up on sale.

I have a 3090 and a 5800x3d and have the same issues but the 5800x3d is a new cpu