When flying low in my Airbus h145 the textures below on the ground change in a circle about 300 feet wide.
As I progress you can see the textures being substituted for other one’s. Very disturbing.
Am I the only one with that kind if issue. Does not happen at airports only outside the perimeter.
Anyone with a solution?
Try using a local scenery cache to pre-load then try again.
I have tried with cache on or off loading 15 GB scenery but did not help. Is there a special setting for local cache?
Think it is related to installed airports free and payware.
If I remove the freeware airport from the community folder the problem goes away…but now I am stuck with the default airport.
My first question is, are there any one with similar problems. Quite a bit of people flying the h145 heli presently. Must be someone with addon airports.
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I see this exact same problem when flying in Vancouver, Canada, all over the city, including airports, but I haven’t seen it in any of the other places I normally fly, which are pretty varied all over the world.
Photogrammetry on or off, changing texture resolution, and empty community folder make no difference. Only noticed it happening a couple of weeks ago, and I have no idea what’s causing it. It looks like the highest mip of the ground textures aren’t being processed and lit properly, or even receiving cloud shadows maybe.
I’ve tried creating a manual cache for the entire area as well, no difference.
Really strange.
This is a LOD blending issue and will be evident in Bing maps too. I dare say it could be hand fixed but that’s a lot of work and the simplest cure will be new data. P.S. If you think this is bad just try flying low southwest of EGNS 
I dont understand…the right textures are there, in place but when I come flying low in my helo, or for that matter in showcam low (below 300 feet) the textures change in a circle below me. Must be because my presence triggers new textures to be loaded in a wrong way. Will check in other regions as well and experiment with settings or visit EGNS.
It could be just one LOD layer or several, that’s the whole mystery
Have just searched changing textures and there are alot of threads around with similar or slightly different issues. Will investigate further.