Low FPS since last update

I’m experiencing strange issue where it feels like the FPS keeps dropping over time

Before latest update, I was typically running around 30 FPS, sometimes up to 40fps. Since update, I typically get only 20FPS, and what makes this worse, if I fly a long flight, it becomes slower and slower

Yesterday I was doing a 2 hour flight in 747, where towards the end, my was only around 6-7 fps, so I had to quit just before landing

I experiences something similar in my earlier flight with B787 or Airubs320, it just wasn’t as bad as with the B747

I tend to speed up / slow down the simulation rate through, not sure if that has anything to do with it

anyone experiencing something similar ? any tips?

I don’t use any addons

one thing that seem to also slowed down the sim a lot was the London photogrametry Landmarks

There are multiple threads about this issue introduced after the last update. Please browse the forum and upvote them.

you are right, I searched and upvoted a few, thank you!

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Hi! As pointed out, there are several topics on this.
This also been noted by the team:

As well as in this topic: