Low FPS, This is my laptop fault or the sim fault?

I have had issues around KATL for months. 3-4 FPS so I have just avoided. Many others have reported the same. I guess KATL is broken… but the rest of the world seems to be fine… 30FPS :laughing:

This game not likes cpu because just utilizing cpu very low. (So many Limited by main thread topic in this forum).

Can u explain what is limited by main thread, people with core i9 gen 9/10 is limited by main thread too. Ram can make limited by main thread too?

Maybe KATL is fixed now, looks fine to me

Better performance than KFFC

Trees Ultra

Tree High

Trees Medium

Trees Low

Without PG Data Trees High

Without PG Data Trees Low

Offline (no data) Trees High

It’s definitely in the handling of the trees on top of the PG mesh trees, crippling.

For comparison, Atlanta PG Data trees high

All shots taken at High settings, terrain detail 100, object detail 150 and giving it ample time to fully resolve the scene. (fps is much lower while it’s loading and generating terrain)

This morning it was down to 5 fps or lower. I had been flying for 5 hours already and performance still degrades over time, plus it had 30 GB ram allocated. After all these tests the game has 22 GB allocated, when I spawned at KFFC initially (with PG data and trees high) it was 16 GB. Memory usage keeps creeping up, which is a long standing problem. After teleporting back to KFFC, 25 GB allocated. down to 22GB 5 minutes later (not moving)

Anyway, solution is to turn the trees to low when PG Data is already all trees. And restart the game every couple hours to ‘fix’ the memory leaks.

Limited by main thread means your processor is processing the maximum amount of information that it possibly can on the main processing thread. Flight Sims in general are notoriously single threaded applications and this sim running on DX11 amplifies that issue. We may get a little better performance and processing allocation when DX12 is released. Just have to wait and see. Having low ram can also cause stuttering. I’m not as sure about how low ram will show up in the FPS counter but I would recommend 32GB. At very minimal 16GB. Make sure you are running in dual channel. Single channel can kill your performance a lot.

@SvenZ I’ll have to take another look at KATL. Hopefully the issues have been fixed. I would have the exact same issues with ram definitely seemed like a memory leak for sure.

So u mean people’s core i9 gen 9/10/11 can’t handle this game perfectly cuz the limited main thread keep popped up.

Atlanta, a major US city and one of the more detailed cities in the game, is basically unflyable until there’s a fix for it.

It’s kind of disheartening to spend over a thousand dollars on pc, video card, and game and you can’t fly over Atlanta because there’s something wrong with the game.

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