Lvfr a320 ceo

Hi all there…

Some news for you about this aircraft(if you don’t know this already):

LVFR is Planning to integrate a fully modelled VNAV and other things like much more advanced MCDU as now, correcting the wrong layout of the PFD, Fully modelled and correct simulated ADIRS and IRS-System and other small improvements! Keep exited!

All that news, you can read in the LVFR-Forums in different topics!

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Does the LVFR A320 have TOD markers? I am debating whether I should buy it… If it doesn’t do I have to use the in game ATC to find out when to descend?

You can easily calculate your TOD! It’s not the precise way, but very much popular and it works most of the time: take the two first numbers of your cruising alt, example: FL 390: 39, let’s make 40! And now you multiply this with three! 120! That’s the distance to your destination airport, when you should begin to descent.

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The distance will show the MCDU/flightplan-Page for you!

But yeah, TOD markers would be nice

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Hi everyone

I wonder how does latinVFR A320… series can fly if they don´t have any flight_model.cfg file nor engine.cfg file.

I have checked on the manifest and layout files and neither appears to be directing to a flight_model.cfg of other aircraft.

If it’s from the marketplace then stuff like that is locked away and encrypted in .fsarchive files that you can’t edit. Part of the marketplace’s DRM. If not then I have no idea lol

Thank you very much. This really helps

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After today’s update, on Xbox i can’t allign the IRS on the INIT page on the MCDU. The option simply isn’t available. I have switched all 3 ADIRS to NAV. Can someone check on Xbox to see if i’m doing something wrong?

It works for me mind

Are you planning your routes via the world map?

I can’t get VNAV to work. I am sure this was update

The EFB is rubbish also

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I’m not impressed with yesterdays ‘update’. Auto throttle managed at green dot so 200 ias before LOC intercept I went flaps 1 and the speed bug went to 120 IAS, so I pulled the knob at 180, intercepted the G/S and it was all over the place, how d you guys feel about it. Worth reinstalling if it’s working for you but I fear it’s very bad now.

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@ WilliPilz It happens to me too. It is like the airplane is expecting you deploy flaps and lower speed at preseted distance before LOC.

It is a completly useless. Have one of the worst designs I ever see.

  • They can not decide if they want to use the MSFS load and fuel or the one on the EFB, but they keep overriding each other. Pick one, disable the other.
  • The sliders to load fuel or pax, didn’t work as slider, you have to point and click…good luck getting the correct number.
  • The weather tab when I tryed to check metar, did not works, but the one on the Sim tool bar brings the info no problems.
  • They show the info on lbs, kg and gal all at the same time… use the var on the sim and just show the units I selected.
  • Calling the jetway from EFB sometimes works, sometimes don’t.
  • The aircraft status page is completly useless, why would you want to check that info on the EFB when is on the ECAM?! (or even better: how the EFB get that info from tha aircraft, total unrealistic).
  • The check list font is really hard to read.

4 aircraft configuration (2 engines, with and without sharklets).
They all have the same fly model and fuel usage, and surprise surprise: is the fuel usage of a Neo!
They don’t even take the time to change the MCDU, the first thing you read is: LEAP A-1 (Neo engine).
On the INIT B page, after you loaded the flight plan, ZFW, ZFWCG and BLOCK, the TRIP remains 0.0. No fuel or time is calculated. No reserv or ALT or FINAL.
So the TOW and LW are the same…but they added a EFOB on FUEL PRED, and I have to grant this: it is actually accurated.

It is interesting to say, they put a before take-off checklist on the ECAM, but the T.O. CONFIG button (is pushable), do nothing.

I dont know why but they set all the SWITCHING on the ECAM pointing to CAPT, when the normal position is NORM.

Wear and tear
Don’t get me started, it’s absolutely exaggerated and disgusting. It is as if the plane had been hijacked by a gang of pirates and subjected to slavery.

The fly surface can move, up and down, left to right even with engines off and without the hydraulic system working. Actually, the HYD pag shows GREEN, BLUE and YELLOW at 3000 PSI and not even the APU is running.

No engines sound when you put the REV after landing.


You have to set the daparture and arrival airports on the INIT page. Ex: KLAX/KLAS and then click on IRS INIT, ALIGN ON REF.

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Yeah, i knew. It turned out i had to download the updates for ALL my LVFR airbusses. Before, i updated just a couple of them. As soon as i updated the last one, it finally worked. It’s very weird. When you do not download all of them, the IRS INIT simply isn’t available on the INIT page.

Hi after the recent update to all aircraft when i start them up this (in the image) happens, im relatively new to simming with airliners can someone help me change it to normal?

You have to set the IRS to align the aircraft

If you take a moment to read the thread, just few messages before your post, someone asked the same and this was already explained how to.