LXGB Gibraltar is half-way sunken in the ocean

Greetings pilots,

I am currently testing various interesting and exotic airports to approach and departure with the Fenix, and I have noticed that the area around the airport Gibraltar (airport code LXGB) is half-way sunken :smiley:

Please consider fixing this area with the next sim update.

Thank you very much and always have a great flight!

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I think you perhaps have another addon conflicting with LXGB, as it doesn’t look like that.

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Yeah, this is an issue with your system mate. Default LXGB is nothing like that.

The rock doesn’t look right either. Possibly a side effect of a conflicting mod, as mine doesn’t look like that either.

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Thats it, blame Asobo, easy way out is`nt it? Gib does NOT look like that. Check other mods installed for conflict.


Whoa…okay, no way it looks like that in my version.

On the contrary, looks absolutely beautiful and flawless. I’m on SX.

Definitely not semi underwater - default Gib from a Series X


Must have been a large spring tide :grinning: Oh, no you don’t get much tidal rise and fall in the Med.

Maybe he’s running the global warming mod, I understand that raises sea levels quite a bit ;p

  1. Wrong forum, such thing would belong into this one:
    Scenery and Airports - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
  2. Remove mods and try again.
  3. Reinstall LXGB from World Update 7
  4. If the issue persists reinstall World Update 7 (there may be dependencies missing on your end)

Definitely that’s a local issue on your end.


It doesn’t belong in the category you linked. Bug Reporting is for confirmed bugs in the base sim (no addons). :wink:

Even if it’s one of the World Update Airports (created by Gaya but released within a pack provided by Asobo) as in this case? :wink:

The strange thing is, I don´t have a specific Gibraltar airport or any Gibraltar location enhancement mod. :smiley:

265 folders are in the Community folder and especially the southern islands of Europe, Spain Greece and the Middle American islands are heavily modded and with custom airports - I am sure one of these folders create this conflict with the knowledge that the default sim LXGB looks allright.

Finding out what mod will be a long and painful search …

I have not yet reported as a bug with a ticket, but like I said I don´t use a custom Gibraltar airport because none exists, that´s why I was not sure if it´s a Flight Sim bug or Community folder bug.
Otherwise I would have removed it, the Palma di Mallorca terrain and scenery enhancement is also no longer functional for example.

If other users without mods are reporting and showing Gibraltar to be correct, then it isn’t a defect that Asobo can address. This is one of the known side effects of having too many mods, or even Marketplace add-ons: sooner or later they will interact with one another in an unexpected and usually defective way.


I know it can`t be fixed when it looks fully normal in the Flight Sim of all other users. Maybe it´s some terrain 3D mesh problem and one of the download packages was corrupted, maybe re-downloading one of the world packages that covers this area will fix it.

This is how it looks like with all mods in the Community folder removed (except the Fenix Airbus - because I don´t wand to risk removing it).

There is a second thing to try, there is some HD terrain offline feature somewhere implemented in the sim. Download this area and saving it on the harddisk can be usefull to check if this strange rendering problem still exists. :slight_smile:

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Not longer than with 10 mods :wink:

Take one half and remove it. Error gone? Then it‘s part of the removed addons. Still bad? Remove another half of the addons. Do that a couple of times and you‘ve got your culprit.


Unfortunately the error was still there after having removed all mods from the Community folder.

And that trick to find out what mod is faulty is really good!

Delete your content.xml file and let MSFS build a new one.

Yeah, what he said, and likely also delete the rolling cache, as Gibraltar has been updated through the simupdates. Hope you get it working again as it should!

It‘s called „binary search“ - we software engineers use this all the time :wink: Runs in O (log N) time (where N being the number of input elements and log to the base 2)