MACH Loop. Anybody have a screenshot of the Mach Loop Route

I am using the XBox X and am learning my way around the MB339. I have been flying around Snowdonia and may have by accident flown the Mach Loop but would like to do it properly. I have been departing RAF Valley and then returning having had a blast through the Welsh mountains. I think next it might be the Grand Canyon! Any tips appreciated. Thanks

Question to you: are you able to import flightplan files in your XBOX?
If so, you can follow the link in this page.

With a little effort you should be able to extract the route from the file and fly it with every plane you like.
I did that a while ago with the mb339 and it was great fun!

Happy :small_airplane:

I donā€™t think there is any way to get external files on to the XBox. If they ever release the Community section of the MarketPlace then Iā€™ll make it available there, but at the moment options are pretty limited. If youā€™ve got a PC you can download the bush trip, and copy the PLN file from the folder - insturctions are on the download page. You could then run LittleNavMap or similar to at least review the flight plan on screen (maybe print it) and follow it that way.


I was hoping for a screenshot of the map to give an approximation of the turning points I would then map it from there. I might have to try and source a low flying map and plot the coordinates!

I donā€™t know, I donā€™t think so, I will go and see, it might be I just have to copy coordinates, thanks for the link, I will have a look and see what the options are.

There are plenty of links on that website, it has a rough map and youā€™ll find more detailed maps in the links.

If you find Lake Bala and follow its course in a western direction, the V-shaped gap into the Tal-y-Llyn pass becomes fairly obvious. The more difficult bit is the routing ā€˜round the backā€™ - follow the river, keep to the left of the hill and then take the first left and follow the road through the gap to rejoin the track from Bala.

Makes little sense reading it, but fly the route slowly at a couple of thousand feet and it should start to become clear!


I have just made a first route that I have saved, I think I am a bit off so am going to fly it to see. Thanks for the tips, I will see what happens!



Well, Iā€™ve googled it and I got this:

Thank you. I managed to plot it from your maps. Once I had found The first location it was straight forward. Flying it however, is not easy at 340 at 250 ft is difficult, I crashed the first time and am sure I went off track. Difficult to pick up the correct valley. Most enjoyable though.

Google is your friend, I guess I was being lazy and hoped I could drop a flight plan in, but I canā€™t see a way to import a .plan file on Xbox.

Just on start up at EGOV RAF Valley, this was my first posting way back in Jan 1975!

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This is the flight plan file that I use whenever Iā€™m flying the Mach loop. VFR Mach Loop Welshpool (EGCW) to Welshpool (EGCW).pln - Google Drive

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The mountains around Queenstown New Zealand also make for amazing low level, high speed flight.

Good luck, I bought this plane today on Xbox and tried to follow the checklists but must have made a mistake as I couldnā€™t get the engine to start :grinning: Will try again later after watching a couple of YouTube videos.

I canā€™t download it, XBox doesnā€™t let you import .pln files.

I did by setting up a VFR Flight plan. I started from EGOV and then clicked on various points by using the map that CDRMaz posted.

The start is relatively straight forward. Ensure Parking Brake is on. Set battery on right hand side lower quadrant. Set Gen 1 and 2 is onā€¦ Close Canopy if you havenā€™t already. Lock and canopy warning light should go out. Clear the Master Cuation Light to cancel it.

Left hand quadrant next to throttle. Click fuel control under red protective cap to on. Set throttle to 10%.
Click Mastev switch on, just in front of Fuel switch. Just left of that Fuel Limiter on.

Then select starter switch just to right of limiter switch.

I have an AIL warning on the warning panel that I havenā€™t been able to cancel but it doesnā€™t seem to cause any issues. The Anti skid switch is by the throttle quadrant just back of the fuel cut off switch.

Hope that helps, lights are on pilots right towards back.

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Thanks for the description, I think I must have missed the step immediately before the starter switch. The checklist had mentioned a step that I couldnā€™t move the throttle to, everything I pressed did nothing. I had been having issues with the controls today so maybe that was the problem. Planes suddenly climbing vertical and stalling rather than level. Hopefully working ok when I next try.

Your jet startup advice helped greatly, thank you. Also thanks to the other people who posted here with details on how to find and fly the Mach Loop, I managed to create a flight plan and fly the loop based on the maps provided.

You are welcome. I am using the Thrustmaster HOTAS One and for some reason I have noticed the throttle quadrant has started to freeze, only briefly a quick wiggle and all back to normal.

The Mach Loop is good. I used the maps from on here to plot and find it on the world map. When you actually fly it though i find difficulty in picking up the valley to come around the northern part of the loop. I have crashed once, so far. When you think this is stock scenery straight from MSFS and Asobo it is amazing.

Many years ago I was fortunate to fly as a passenger in a Folland Gnat through the low flying system in Wales and I remember looking up and seeing people on the hillside above me.

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