Hey guys!
I just wanted to ask if it’s normal behaviour for the Autopilot Disconnect Sound not to appear when I switch it off in the MaddogX MD-80? I wasn’t able to hear it in some YT videos as well during approch for example, so I just wanted to know if that is a bug or intended?
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Might be an airframe specific option. Try another plane. I think I remember having had the same “issue”
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You can configure that here in the Maddog Load Manager. Seems to be a aircraft ID specific change rather than a global one-
The settings on this page seem to wlldly change with every aircraft ID so worth checking each one for example-
Thank you for the insight, this should be it! I will try it out soon.
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@BragRaindrop933 Update: Unfortunately, I have not been able to trigger the autopilot sound after a couple of test flights even with that option ticked. Also tried to sync it multiple times with the sim already.
On top of that, I found out the tail shape option doesn’t really work either. When I select the cone shape, it does work on the aircraft’s appearance for a short while until I switch to cockpit view in which the tail shape reverts back to flat. I found someone on Reddit who has the same issue
Both of them aren’t necessarily annoying or anything, but it would be great if they actually worked
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I have seen some weird behavior with the load manager. Specifically trying to change an aircraft (cockpit, FMS) default weight system from kgs to lbs. I have certain livery / air frames combinations that are ok with lbs and other ok with kgs, but can’t change them back. Some stuff seems to be embedded in each livery file? which may be why they ask you to install the liveries through the load manager. Maybe what doesn’t work for customization are liveries that are manually installed in community folder only? I’ve not messed about with diagnostics too much tbh so don’t know. Just a guess.
The livery/load manager is one horrible way to install though. All too complex.
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Ok interesting
It’s obvious that I’m quite new to the Load Manager, so I didn’t know that it’s commonly known to have some weird issues regarding aircraft configurations. I appreciate your effort explaining this to me, though
Let’s see, maybe I will be able to find a random combination of ways so it miraculously works out!
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Keep in mind the maddog x load manager doesnt sync the selected airframe from the one you have loaded into the sim. From my experience, the best way to use it in real time is to load the aircraft in sim and then start load manager, then go to the aircraft page, select the aircraft registration that you have loaded in the sim from the aircraft dropdown list in load manager, then change whatever settings you want to change, and then use either the sync button (2 semi circular arrows) or sync and close button (tick mark) on the top right of the load manager.
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I know it’s very old fashioned but it’s worth perseverance.
It’s a great plane once you learn it.
You only have to configure each livery “once” in the external load manager.
Most stuff can now be done using the EFB.
Worse thing is having to restart to change “States” … unlike with say a PMDG, where you can press a button in the EFB to set C and Dark / RTT etc.
Leonardo seems to have lost interest as its literally a P3D port.
…He’d sell a lot more if he modernised it in more ways than one.
But… it’s the only Maddog currently. When needs must…